Browse Blog posts By Day: 27.07.2024

According to the biblical myth, manna is the food that God sent to the ancient Jews every morning from heaven, when they wandered through the desert in search of the promised land. The resulting expression "manna from heaven" is used in the sense of: somet
Қазақстан Желіде · 83 days ago 0 145

The publishing house of the Smolensk State Pedagogical University published a book by I. A. Koroleva " The Origin of surnames and patronymics in Russia "(Smolensk, 1999), dedicated to an actual and interesting topic, because today questions about their anc
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Қазақстан Желіде · 83 days ago 0 112

In the 6th issue of Russkaya Rech for 1998, V. G. Dolgushev's article "And the boys are bloody in the eyes..." is published - about the famous Pushkin line from the tragedy "Boris Godunov". The author writes that many people take these words of Pushkin lit
Қазақстан Желіде · 83 days ago 0 128

Recently, in floriculture and horticulture, there has been a displacement of native Russian names and their replacement with transliterations from Latin. So, the Russian name" clematis "has long been out of use, and instead of it, flower growers, including
Қазақстан Желіде · 83 days ago 0 92

Где молчат хроники и исторические памятники, там начинает говорить одно слово, там, где безмолвствуют саги, начинают повесть собственные имена. М.Я. Морошкин. Славянский именослов, или Собрание славянских личных имен в алфавитном порядке. СПб., 1867 Особый
Қазақстан Желіде · 83 days ago 0 209

За последнее десятилетие значительно возрос интерес к историческому прошлому России. Появилось много изданий древнерусских памятников - первоисточников познания материальной и духовной жизни, культуры средневековой Руси. Без словаря древнерусского языка чи
Қазақстан Желіде · 83 days ago 0 83

В книге А.А. Брагиной "Мир животных в мире слов" (М., 1995) на стр. 185 сказано: "С жаворонком сравнивают веселую, до зари просыпающуюся девочку, девушку, молодую женщину - жаворонок; весела, как вешний жавороночек". Просыпающаяся до зари - конечно, оттого
Қазақстан Желіде · 83 days ago 0 90

The expression originated from the biblical myth of an attempt to build a tower (pillar) in ancient Babylon that would reach to the sky. When the builders began their work, an angry god caused them to stop understanding each other and not be able to contin
Қазақстан Желіде · 83 days ago 0 98

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