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September 7, 2010 marks the 80th anniversary of the birth of a prominent Russian scholar of Mongolian studies, Chief Researcher of the Korea and Mongolia Department of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Candidate of Economic Sciences Sergey Konstantinovich Roshchin. S. K. Roshchin devoted almost all his adult life to science, one of the main directions of modern Russian Mongolian studies - the study of the history and economy of Mongolia in the XX century. S. K. Roshchin has been working at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the USSR Academy of Sciences/RAS since 1956. At the Institute, he worked his way up from a post-graduate student to the chief researcher and head of the Mongolia sector, whose scientific works are well known not only in Russia, but also in Mongolia, China, Germany, the USA, Japan and other countries. He is the author of more than 80 scientific publications, including 6 individual monographs, a number of chapters and sections in large collective monographs, and a large number of scientific articles.

Sergey Konstantinovich Roshchin was born on September 7, 1930 in the village of Domnino, Susaninsky district, Kostroma region, to a working-class family. He received a higher Oriental education at the Moscow Institute of Oriental Studies (1948-1953), majoring in Oriental studies with knowledge of Mongolian and English. According to the memoirs of S. K. Roshchin, his choice of Mongolian as the main Eastern language was influenced by the famous Mongolian scholar-philologist G. D. Sanzheev. At the meeting of the IIV admissions committee, when asked what Eastern language he would like to study, S. K. Roshchin did not hesitate to answer that it was Chinese. Meanwhile, an experienced orientalist and teacher G. D. Sanzheev, who was a member of the commission, noticed that even at that time (1948) the applicant was wearing glasses and said that with weak eyesight it would be difficult for him to study Chinese characters and advised him to enroll in the Mongolian language department. Moreover, the Mongols recently switched from the Old Mongolian script to the Cyrillic alphabet. Young Roshchin followed the wise advice of his future teacher and, according to him, never regretted it.

After graduating from the Moscow Institute of Economics in January 1954, S. K. Roshchin entered the postgraduate program of the Institute of Higher Education of the USSR Academy of Sciences, which he graduated from in 1956, and in 1957 successfully defended his PhD thesis on the topic "The emergence and development of the socialist system in the economy of the MNR". At that time, S. K. Roshchin was one of the few Russian Mongolian scholars who specialized in the economy of the MNR. Soon he became and for many years remains one of the leading experts on the economy of the MNR. On this issue, he published three monographs, including " The Socialist Way of Life in the Economy of the Mongolian People's Republic "(1958), "Agriculture of the MNR on the Socialist Path" (1971), " Development of Socialist Production Relations in the Mongolian People's Republic "(1979), and sections in large collective, including international ones In his works: "Essays on the Economy of the Mongolian People's Republic" (1969), "History of the Mongolian People's Republic" (a joint work of Soviet and Mongolian scientists, 3rd ed., 1983), "History of the Socialist Economy of the MNR" (1987) and others, as well as a large number of articles.

Naturally, the works of S. K. Roshchin, written in the period from 1950 to 1980, as well as most of the works of his contemporaries-Soviet Orientalists of that time, were written from the positions of the prevailing state ideology of Marxism-Leninism in the Soviet interpretation, strict class approach and principles of proletarian internationalism, belief in the final victory of socialism in competition with capitalism, in the possibility of a" non-capitalist way " of building socialism in such underdeveloped countries as the MNR was at that time. These works of S. K. Roshchin inevitably bore the stamp of ideological and political bias and one-sidedness. At the same time, they are distinguished by such scientific advantages as the author's desire to delve as deeply as possible into the essence of the processes taking place and the subject being studied in close connection with political and socio-economic conditions, the use of various sources in Russian, Mongolian and English, official documents and archival materials, scrupulous collection, generalization, systematization and analysis often scattered, fragmentary data, meetings and conversations with Soviet and Mongolian specialists, arat livestock breeders during research trips and work

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in the Embassy of the USSR in the MNR, a detailed, systematic presentation of the state and problems of the country's development. It is known that the first monograph of S. K. Roshchin " The Socialist way of Life in the Economy of the MNR "(1958) was read and used in his work by V. M. Molotov, who was then the USSR Ambassador to the MNR.

It is noteworthy that in the 1970s - 1980s, i.e. at the height of the Cold War, the above-mentioned advantages of S. K. Roshchin's scientific works were noted not only by Soviet and Mongolian colleagues who were like-minded, but also by some ideological opponents, Western scientists. In particular, the assessment of one of the well-known American Mongolian scholars R. Rupen, who in his book " How Mongolia is really Governed. Political History of the Mongolian People's Republic (1960-1978) " called S. K. Roshchin "a highly competent Soviet specialist" and gave the following assessment of the monograph "Agriculture of the MNR on the Socialist Path": "S. K. Roshchin, a Russian economist, published an excellent work on Mongolian agriculture in 1971. This is an unusually deep and subtle product of the Soviet scientific school" [Rupen, 1979, p. 197]. It is safe to say that other monographs written by S. K. Roshchin during the Soviet period were also notable events in Soviet Mongolian studies and invariably received positive reviews from Soviet and Mongolian experts. Moreover, over time, it becomes obvious that the work with K. Roshchin's studies on the economy of the Mongolian People's Republic of the Socialist period were and in many ways remain a valuable contribution to the development of Russian Mongolian studies.

In the early 1990s, S. K. Roshchin decided to change the main direction of his research work and instead of focusing on economics, focus on a more in-depth study of the complex, contradictory, largely tragic and not completely clear political history of Mongolia in the 1920s - 1930s and the role of the USSR and the Comintern in it.

After 1990, which marked the victory of the peaceful democratic revolution in Mongolia, S. K. Roshchin published a number of interesting, innovative articles about the leaders of the Mongolian revolution of 1921. Danzane, D. Sukhbaatar and D. Bodo, on the position of N. I. Bukharin in the discussion of the "Mongolian question" in the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b), on the role of authorized representatives of the Comintern T. Ryskulov, M. I. Amagaev in Mongolia in the 1920s, Baron Ungern in Mongolia in 1920-1921, etc. [Roshchin, 1995, pp. 63-68; 1996, p. 36 - 46, 52 - 61; 1997, p. 43-52; 1998, p. 20-34]. In these articles, S. K. Roshchin, relying on new, previously unknown, archival materials and taking into account the radical changes that took place in the socio-political and scientific life of Russia and Mongolia, took a new approach to assessing the place and role of these famous political and state figures of Mongolia and Russia in the history of Mongolia in 1920-1930- x years.

The peak of S. K. Roshchin's research activity in the field of Mongolian studies is the monograph "Political History of Mongolia (1921-1940)", in which he invested a wealth of experience and his extensive knowledge in the history and economy of Mongolia in the XX century. It should be emphasized that the political history of Mongolia in the 1920s-1930s up to the present time It is a subject of intense interest and intense discussion among Russian, Mongolian, and foreign historians.

The main advantage of this monograph by S. K. Roshchin is that it is based on archival materials, many of which were first introduced by him into scientific circulation. An unbiased, careful study of these materials allowed the author to look at the key events of that turbulent, revolutionary time in a new way, to rethink and revise many of his previous ideas and assessments. S. K. Roshchin focused his main attention primarily on the unexplored or poorly studied, as well as on controversial issues of the political history of Mongolia in this period. These problems, in particular, included: the peculiarities of the Mongolian revolution of 1921, its leaders, the role of Ungern in the events of 1920-1921, the nature of relations between Soviet Russia, the Comintern, on the one hand, and the leaders of Mongolia, on the other, the country's transition from a limited monarchy to a republican system, and the complex vicissitudes of the internal political struggle, the rise and collapse of the ideas of national democracy in the second half of the 1920s, the "right course", the leftist experiment in the late 1920s-early 1930s, the "new course" in 1932-1940, the formation of the authoritarian regime of the X's. Choibalsan in the MNR by the end of the 1940s, etc.

S. K. Roshchin's monograph attracted attention and attracted positive responses from Russian Orientalists and Mongolian social scientists. In particular, the international historian and political scientist S. G. Luzyanin noted: "The peer-reviewed book, based on unique archival documents declassified in the early 1990s, not only sheds light on ... -

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In fact, it is a kind of encyclopedia of political processes that took place in Mongolian society in the 20 - 40s of the XX century... S. K. Roshchin was the first in modern Russian Mongolian studies to address the problems of political struggle in the Mongolian leadership. The author objectively covers the policy of Soviet Russia and the Comintern, without concealing its negative and sometimes destructive consequences "[Luzyanin, 2000, pp. 202-203].

Another well-known Mongolian historian Sh. B. Chimitdorzhiev wrote: "The merit of S. K. Roshchin lies in the fact that he was able to outline an objective picture of the reality of that time by scrupulously analyzing the entire complex of contradictory phenomena and events, the ideological and political attitudes of the Comintern of the RCP-CPSU(b), the MPRP and the practical actions of the leaders of Mongolia, the USSR, China and others" [Chimitdorzhiev, 2000, p. 174-177]. The reviewer paid special attention to those sections of the monograph that gave an objective assessment of the role of a number of well-known Buryat figures who took part in ensuring the victory of the Mongolian revolution in 1921 and in the formation of the new Mongolian state.

How this work of S. K. Roshchin was received in Mongolia in the late 1990s and early 2000s is shown, in particular, by the opinion of one of the largest Mongolian historians, the first president of the Academy of Sciences of the MNR, Academician B. Shirendyba: "S. K. Roshchin was the first of all modern Mongolian scholars to undertake writing the political history of Mongolia 1921-1940, the most difficult period. When writing his new work, the author used archival materials, many of which were not available to researchers due to their secrecy. S. K. Roshchin, as the most serious researcher, approached these materials critically, subjecting them to a thorough analysis. Author... He managed to review many negative aspects in historical works published under the influence of old, now obsolete political and ideological attitudes. " B. Shirendib appealed to the Directorate of the Institute of Historical Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences with a proposal to award S. K. Roshchin the degree of Doctor of Historical Sciences without protection for valuable work that made a great contribution to the study of the history of Mongolia. It was supported by the Vice-President of the Academy of Sciences of Mongolia B. Enkhtuvshin. Moreover, B. S. K. Roshchin became one of the first Russian Mongolian scholars to successfully defend his doctoral dissertation on the history of 20th-century Mongolia directly in the country under study (2001).

S. K. Roshchin's great contribution also lies in the development of a relatively new and promising direction in modern Russian Mongolian studies - the creation of political portraits of prominent state and party figures in Mongolia in the first half of the 20th century, whose role in Soviet and Mongolian Marxist historiography was evaluated either one-sidedly or insufficiently fully and objectively. In recent years, he has prepared and published the books "Marshal of Mongolia Kh. Choybalsan. Strokes of biography " and " P. Genden. Mongolian national leader. Strokes of biography " [Roshchin, 2005; 2008].

Relying on a wide range of diverse sources, mainly Russian and Mongolian, including archival materials, S. K. Roshchin carefully followed the life and political activities of Kh. From the date of his birth on February 8, 1895 in Eastern Mongolia and until his death on January 26, 1952 in Moscow, Choibalsan showed his place and role at various stages of the history of Mongolia and Soviet-Mongolian relations in the first half of the XX century, revealed the contradictory nature of the results of his political activities.

The next book by S. K. Roshchin was dedicated to another major statesman of Mongolia in the 1920s-1930s, the Prime Minister of the Mongolian People's Republic P. Genden, whose fate was tragic, he was repressed and shot in the USSR in 1937. S. K. Roshchin showed P. Genden as the son of his era, a native of the Arats-pastoralists, who rose up thanks to P. Genden understood the objective need for comprehensive cooperation of the MNR with the USSR, but did not always follow the advice and recommendations of Soviet leaders and advisers.

These works of S. K. Roshchin also aroused great interest among Russian and Mongolian specialists and readers and received positive reviews in Russia, Mongolia and other countries.

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In the same years, he wrote the chapter "Mongolia in 1921-1940" for the collective monograph " History of Mongolia. XX century", the first large, generalizing work created by Russian Mongolian scholars after 1990.

At present, Sergey Konstantinovich, despite his advanced age and not very good health, continues to work intensively, completing a new monograph on one of the leaders of the Mongolian revolution of 1921, D. Sukhbaatar, and his role in the history of Mongolia in the late 1910s and early 1920s.

S. K. Roshchin made a great contribution to the development of Soviet-Mongolian scientific cooperation, especially in the 1970s-1980s, when he headed the Mongolian sector (1979-1992). He is one of the authors and editors of such major joint works of Soviet and Mongolian scientists as "History of Soviet-Mongolian Relations" (1981), " History of the Mongolian People's Republic "(3rd, reprint. and additional information. edition, 1983), " History of the Socialist Economy of the MNR "(1987), etc.

Over the years, S. K. Roshchin has known and collaborated with many outstanding Mongolian scientists of different generations, including B. Shirendib, Sh. Natsagdorj, Sh. Vira, Ch. Dalai, N. Ishzhamts, M. Sanzhdorj and others.

Over the years, he has consistently provided and continues to provide assistance in training highly qualified scientists for Mongolia, as well as Mongolian specialists for Russia.

S. K. Roshchin actively participates in international and Russian congresses, conferences and symposiums of Mongolian and Oriental scholars. Currently, he is the only Russian Mongolian scholar who participated in the first International Conference of Mongolian philologists, which was held in Ulaanbaatar in 1959 and was subsequently recognized as the first International Congress of Mongolian Scholars (ICM). However, he did not participate in its work (and at the second MCM in 1971) as a member of the official delegation of scientists from the Institute of Oriental Studies of the USSR Academy of Sciences, which included well-known orientalists N. A. Dvoryankov, G. D. Sanzheev and Yu. N. Roerich, but as an employee of the USSR Embassy in the MNR. At the second MCM (1971), he was also present as a representative of the USSR Embassy in the MNR, where he worked at that time. At the next three congresses, he was a member of the delegations of Soviet scientists. For many years, he has been a member of the secretariat of the International Association of Mongolian Studies.

S. K. Roshchin, as a researcher, is characterized primarily by his love for Mongolia, its people, and the subject of his research, thoroughness, the desire to delve deeper into the essence and driving forces of the process under study, rigor of scientific thinking and logic, firmness and consistency in defending his position, careful, balanced approach to acute situations, and consideration of various points of view, avoiding extreme, radical, one-sided assessments of events and personalities, the ability to present the course of events in an interesting, fascinating way, virtually present the character and way of thinking of your main character, good command of the Russian language.

In the 1950s - 1970s, S. K. Roshchin successfully combined scientific work with diplomatic work, he worked twice, in 1959-1960 and in 1969-1973. He was on long business trips to the MNR through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, worked at the USSR Embassy in the MNR, made a worthy contribution to strengthening friendship between the peoples of these countries, to the development of trade, economic, scientific and cultural cooperation between the USSR and the MNR. For many years, he was a member of the Board of the Society of Soviet-Mongolian Friendship, and is currently a member of the Presidium of the Society of Mongolian Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

S. K. Roshchin's long-term, conscientious work was awarded government awards of the USSR and the Republic of Mongolia, including the Soviet medal "For Valiant Labor", the medals of the Republic of Mongolia - "50 Years of the Mongolian People's Revolution (1971), "Friendship" (1973), "60 Years of the Mongolian People's Revolution" (1983).

S. K. Roshchin has such excellent human qualities as modesty, self-control, calmness, self-control, benevolence, willingness to come to the aid of colleagues and friends, the ability to establish and maintain even, kind relations with colleagues. Sergey Konstantinovich enjoys a well-deserved reputation and respect of the staff of the Korea and Mongolia Department of the Institute of International Relations of the Russian Academy of Sciences, as well as scientists and friends in Russia and Mongolia.

Colleagues and friends wholeheartedly congratulate S. K. Roshchin on this remarkable anniversary, wish him and his family good health, long life, fulfillment of new creative ideas and prosperity.

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list of literature

Luzyanin S. G. [Rec. on:] S. K. Roshchin. Political history of Mongolia (1921-1940 vols.) / / Orient (Oriens). 2000. N 3.

Roshchin S. K. They led the revolution // Asia and Africa today. 1995. N 9.

Roshchin S. K. The commissioner of the Comintern (T. Ryskulov in Mongolia) / / Vostok (Oriens). 1996. N 4.

Roshchin S. K. Bukharin i mongol'skii vopros [Bukharin and the Mongolian Question]. Nauchno-informatsionnyi bulletin of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Moscow, 1996. N8.
Roshchin S. K. [Rec. on:] M. I. Amagaev. Years in Mongolia / / Vostok (Oriens). 1997. N 6.

Roshchin S. K. Ungern in Mongolia / / Vostok (Oriens). 1998. N 6.

Roshchin S. K. Marshal of Mongolia Kh. Choybalsan. Shtrikhi biografii [Strokes of Biography], Moscow: IV RAS, 2005.

Roshchin S. K. P. Genden. Mongolian national leader. Strokes of the biography. Улан-Батор: Агиймаа, 2008.

Chimitdorzhiev Sh. B. O politicheskoi istorii Mongol'li v 20 - 30-kh gg. [On the Political history of Mongolia in the 20-30s]. Issue 3. Ulan-Ude, 2000.

Rupen R. How Mongolia is Really Ruled. A Political History of the Mongolian People's Republic (1960 - 1978). Stanford, 1979.


Ob otnoshenii mezhdu MNP i MRSM v 1921 - 1924 gg. [On the relations between MNE and MRSM in 1921-1924]. Bull. N 5. Moscow: IV RAS, 2001, pp. 111-119.

On the Russian-Mongolian Agreement of 1921 // Russia and Mongolia: a new look at the history of mutual relations in the XX century. Moscow: IV RAS, 2001. pp. 70-81.

National Democrats of the 20s on the Mongolian traditional society and its evolution / / International Symposium on Dialogue among Civilizations. Ulaanbaatar. 2001.

On the activities of the Comintern commissioners in Mongolia (1921-1932) // Russia and Mongolia in the light of the dialogue of Eurasian Civilizations, Moscow: IV RAS, 2002, pp. 103-113.

From the history of the formation of Soviet-Mongolian diplomatic relations (1920s) / / VIII International Congress of Mongol Studies (Ulaanbaatar, 5-12.08.2002). Reports of the Russian delegation, Moscow, 2002, pp. 105-110.

Marshal of Mongolia Kh. Choybalsan. Shtrikhi biografii [Strokes of Biography], Moscow: IV RAS, 2001, 160 p.; The same: Ulaanbaatar, 2008, 200 p. (in Russian).

Some remarks on X's political activities Choibalsana / / Vladimirtsovskiye chteniya-V. M.: IV RAS, 2006. pp. 92-95.

On the origins and features of the first Mongolian Constitution of 1924 / / IX International Congress of Mongol Studies (Ulaanbaatar, 8-12.08.2006). Doklady rossiiskikh uchenykh [Reports of Russian scientists], Moscow: IV RAS, 2006, pp. 138-142.

Mongolia: A thorny path to independence and progress // Istoriya Vostoka [History of the East], Vol. V., Moscow: IVL, 2006, Pp. 433-451.

Mongolia in 1921-1940 / / History of Mongolia. XX vek [XX century], Moscow: IV RAS, 2007, pp. 59-117.

Was there an attempt at a "color revolution"in Mongolia? (Speech at the "round table" in the Institute of Information Technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences) / / Asia and Africa today. 2008. N 8. P. 40.

P. Genden. Mongolian national leader. Shtrikhi biografii [Strokes of Biography], Moscow: IV RAS, 2008, 167 p.

* For works from 1957 to 1999, see: Oriens. 2001. N 1. pp. 213-215.


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