Libmonster ID: KZ-2897
Author(s) of the publication: [N. E. NOSOV]

Kazan. Kazan University Publishing House. 1982. 223 p.

The monograph of Associate Professor of Kazan University, Doctor of Historical Sciences I. P. Ermolaev is devoted to the history of management of the Kazan region in the second half of the XVI-XVII century. But the book's problems are much broader. Having set as its immediate task to study the creation and activity of voivodeship administration in the Middle Volga - "Ponizovsky" - cities (mainly in Kazan), the author seeks to simultaneously highlight many issues of economic and political development, colonization and class struggle in the Middle Volga region, and connect them with the general problem of the formation of a multinational Russian state. I. P. Ermolaev writes that "the novelty of this work is that the author studies the complex socio-economic and political elements of Russia's development in the second half of the XVI-XVII centuries through the prism of state bodies and institutions of this time" (p. 5).

In essence, the work consists of two parts: Three chapters (I, III and V) deal with social and political history and the history of class struggle in the Middle Volga region in the XVI-XVII centuries, while the other three (II, IV, VI) are devoted to the main topic-the study of the formation and activity of voivodeship authorities in the Middle Volga cities, as well as the Order of the Kazan Palace as the central a government agency in charge of the Middle Volga region. The book has an extensive source base: the sections on local government are dominated by archival material; the political struggle, especially in the middle of the 17th century, is covered to a greater extent by documentary publications and literature.

The sections of the book that characterize the socio-political situation of the Middle Volga region in the first decades after the conquest of Kazan are of decisive importance for the entire research. In the 50s of the XVI century, such a vast territory with a multi-ethnic and predominantly non-Russian population (Tatars, Mordvins, Mari, Udmurts) was first included in Russia. Up to the 17th century, as shown in the book, the Russian population prevailed here only in the northern regions of the Volga right bank (mountain side), in large urban centers-Kazan, Sviyazhsk-and in new fortress cities.

I. P. Ermolaev, on the whole, objectively and without idealizing the Kazan policy of Ivan the Terrible, assesses the nature and driving forces of the actions of the "Meadow and Arsk people" raised to fight against Moscow by the Tatar nobility, which resulted in the Kazan war of 1552-1557, the uprisings of the Tatars and Mari 1571-1572, and the "Cheremis war" of the beginning of 80- x years of the XVI century. The Tatar and Mari feudal lords incited to separatist actions by the Crimea and Turkey do not always agree with each other.-

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they received the support of the masses of the people - yasachny and black people. Speaking about the "Cheremis war", I. P. Ermolaev notes that "broad strata of the local population participated in the uprising primarily in order to resist the growing feudal exploitation", and not only "under the political slogans" of "separatist-minded Tatar feudal lords" (p.37). Class and national contradictions among the rebels significantly contributed to the suppression of anti-Moscow protests in the Volga region by the tsarist authorities and the army. Punitive expeditions acted with extreme cruelty (pp. 20-25).

The book describes the role of Russian agricultural (mainly peasant) and commercial-industrial (urban) colonization, which contributed to the development and more intensive economic development of the Kazan Region. But it also gave rise to other phenomena - the formation of the center of the anti-feudal struggle of the Russian peasantry, the Cossacks, and the Yasach people against tsarism and serfdom already in the 17th century, during the years of S. T. Razin's uprising. And later, until the Peasant War of 1773-1775 under the leadership of E. I. Pugachev, the Kazan region with the Bashkir lands adjacent to it remained one of the most "rebellious" regions of Russia.

These factors, as shown in the monograph, determined not only the specifics, but also the exceptional complexity of establishing new, Moscow-like orders in the Middle Volga region and new authorities capable of managing such a vast, multi-ethnic and so turbulent border region. A radical restructuring of the entire administrative and territorial management system of the Volga cities was required.

Based on extensive and largely new archival material, the author reveals the process of formation of the voivodeship administration in the Middle Volga region as a new type of power, combining both military and civil administration in its hands. The author, however, is inaccurate when he writes that the voivodeship administration is only a "transitional form" from the viceroyalty with its practical lack of control... to the provincial, bureaucratically precise and strictly designed" (p. 162). Boyars-breadwinners, namely they were former governors and volostels, of course, not ordered people, completely and in everything dependent on the government, but by the middle of the XVI century. they were not as independent as the author thinks. They were organs of the grand ducal power and had no "right" to be "uncontrolled" (p. 38).

The regent's charters of the late 15th and first half of the 16th centuries that have come down to us, and especially the decisions of the Sudebnik of 1550, indicate a relatively strict government regulation and limitation of their competence. The activities of the governors were controlled not only by Moscow orders, but also by the local society represented by its elected representatives: lip prefects and city clerks (from the nobles) and court tselovalniki (from the city and volost black worlds). In Kazan, the situation was different. To hold the newly annexed territory, which was essentially in a "state of emergency" and consisted mainly of non-Russian population, military-police bodies were needed, based on military garrisons and having at their disposal an administrative apparatus recruited not from the people of breadwinners, but from the children of boyars recruited for the "sovereign's business". and clerical people, Moscow ispomeshchentsev. From among them were appointed gorodnichy, Streletsky and siege heads, money collectors, weekly workers, etc. From the non-Russian local population, only baptized service Tatars and yasachny "best people" loyal to Moscow, "who can be trusted", were involved in the management. For gubernia and zemstvo self-government, which replaced the governors and volostels on the main territory of the Russian state in the 50s of the XVI century, there was no social or political base.

The author also describes in detail the second feature of the organization of administration of the Middle Volga region, also due to its special position in Russia of the XVI-XVII centuries, namely, that from the very beginning all their activities were conducted by local Kazan authorities under the direct control of central departments: first, the Discharge and Embassy orders, and then the order of the Kazan Palace, full power over the entire range of management issues" on the Kazan lands (p. 59).

This had not only positive (as the author points out), but also negative consequences from the point of view of government interests, since it led to petty guardianship, and sometimes even direct substitution-

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The absence of local government bodies by the central executive office is a characteristic feature of the executive order of the XVI-XVII centuries. In the Kazan Region, where there was no zemstvo self-government at all, this was most evident.

The monograph covers in detail the duties and activities of city voivodes of the XVII century, in particular, a detailed analysis of the instructions to the Kazan voivodes of 1613, 1649, 1677, 1686 and 1697 is given. The author also considers the activities of local "prikazny" or "moving huts" as the main voivodeship chancelleries headed by city clerks. In the 17th century, as I. P. Ermolaev notes, "Tatar court huts" appeared in Kazan and other large Volga cities, which were responsible for the affairs of the non-Russian population (pp. 136-137).

The monograph contains new and interesting materials and observations on all these and many other issues related to the functioning of the voivodeship administration in the Middle Volga region.

Perhaps it would be better to describe in more detail the activities of local and ecclesiastical authorities on the forced Russification and baptism of foreigners. Against this background, the convergence of Russian peasant colonists and landlords in their joint work and anti-feudal struggle, which has been growing throughout the entire period under review, would have been even more pronounced.

The material presented in the book is indicative of the use of local authorities by tsarism to suppress open anti-government protests of the peoples of the Volga region in the XVII century. However, chapters III and V dealing directly with these subjects are written in an excessively broad plan, which to some extent leads them beyond the main topic of research.

The monograph ends with the final chapter on the transition from voivodeship to provincial administration. The disadvantage of the voivodeship management system in the Kazan Region, according to I. P. Ermolaev, was the lack of proper centralization in the activities of the local apparatus (p. 165). Hence, as the author believes, the "decisive defect" of the entire voivodeship administration of Russia - " its conservatism, inconsistency and lack of subordination of the actions of its various bodies, which became the strongest brake on the country's development from the monarchy of the XVII century. "with the boyar Duma" to the official-noble monarchy of the XVIII century" (p.175).

The material presented in the book shows that the degree of centralization (subordination of places to the center) in the activities of the voivodeship administration in the Kazan Region was excessive, bureaucratic,and therefore extremely confusing. Petty guardianship by the order of the Kazan Palace did not help, but, on the contrary, complicated the activities of the local administration, deprived it not only of independence, but also of compliance with real life, and doomed it to stagnation. Zemstvo self-government in the main territory of Russia to some extent violated this social isolation, but in the Volga region it noticeably aggravated social conflicts.

In the context of the evolution of feudalism and the emergence of new, capitalist relations in Russia and the serious changes they cause in all spheres of socio-economic and political life, which were especially clearly marked at the turn of the XVII and XVIII centuries, these inconsistencies between the voivodeship system of government and the new living conditions and social orders became a serious brake. The regional reform of the early eighteenth century, by abolishing the voivodeship administration and replacing it with a provincial one, brought the local administration somewhat closer to society, made it more mobile and active, but even this did not eliminate its main drawback - the dominance of serfdom, bureaucratic orders and, as a consequence, isolation from the new social forces.

These are mainly the most important points that should be noted when speaking about the author's general concept and his successful analysis of the history of voivodeship administration in the Kazan region of the XVI-XVII centuries.

In general, the reviewed monograph gives completeness to I. P. Ermolaev's long-term research on the history of the Middle Volga region in the XVI-XVII centuries. and especially on the identification and publication of new archival sources 1 . The results of his research will influence the further development of such a complex and relevant topic as the history of local government in feudal Russia.

1 Ermolaev I. P. Scribal book of the Kazan uyezd of 1602-1603. Kazan. 1978; his own. Kazan Region in the second half of the XVI-XVII centuries (Chronological list of documents). Kazan. 1980.

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[N. E. NOSOV], I. P. ERMOLAEV. Middle Volga region in the second half of the XVI-XVII centuries (Administration of the Kazan region) // Astana: Digital Library of Kazakhstan (BIBLIO.KZ). Updated: 25.01.2025. URL: (date of access: 15.02.2025).

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