Libmonster ID: KZ-2470

In the context of the revival of the national culture, language, traditions and customs of the Buryat people, the problem of creating various dictionaries, reference books, textbooks, textbooks, phono and video materials in the Buryat language that contribute to improving the study and teaching of the Buryat language at the present stage is extremely urgent. In this regard, the peer-reviewed dictionary created by S. D. Babuev and Ts TS Balzhinimayeva, employees of the Institute of Mongolian Studies, Buddhology and Tibetology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, is a unique phenomenon in the history of Buryat lexicography. For the first time, the authors compiled an explanatory dictionary-a reference of words and phrases denoting the realities of traditional life of Buryat Nomads.

The dictionary includes a "Preface" and a brief explanation "About the structure of the dictionary", which provides information about the history of the creation of this lexicographic manual, provides information about the specifics of everyday ethnic and cultural vocabulary of Buryats, and connotations are attached to individual words.

Until the 1950s, the Buryat national lexicography had its own distinctive tradition. These are the works of B. Baradin, N. Borzhonova, D. Irdyneev, D. Abasheev, K. M. Cheremisov, Ts. B. Tsydendambaev and others. K. M. Cheremisov, who made a significant contribution to the history of Buryat lexicography, deserves a separate line in this series. The Buryat-Russian Dictionary he created was published twice (1951, 1973).

The dictionary's material is divided thematically into 28 lexical and semantic groups: "Family, family, Wedding, Birth of children, Religion, faith, Funeral rites, New Year's Eve according to the Eastern calendar, Buryat folk Games, Youth evenings, Meeting, treating and seeing off guests, Distilling milk vodka, Dairy and vegetable products, Meat, meat dishes; Winter and summer camps; Dwelling; Buryat national clothing, its varieties and names of parts; Women's jewelry; Words related to sewing, sewing accessories; Leather dressing, leather dressing devices; Sheep shearing; wool processing and felt rolling; Five types of livestock, animal names depending on age and floor; Wintering of livestock; Feeding of livestock; Treatment of livestock; Saddle, names of parts and decorations of the saddle; Means of transportation: cart and sleigh, names of their parts; Pasture land; Haymaking: haymaking land, tools used in haymaking; Weather observations."

Despite the advantages of this unique lexicographic work, I would like to express a number of suggestions in terms of improving the structure of the dictionary for the convenience of its users. For example, data from 28 lexical-semantic groups could be thematically grouped into larger supertemes (blocks). For example, the superteme "Clan and its traditions" could include subtopics: "Relatives", "Wedding", "Birth of the first child", "Meeting of guests", "Dwelling" , etc. By the way, in the sub-topic "Relatives" it would be necessary to give dictionaries to the concepts of "one-blooded", "half-born".

The Buryat ethnic economy is based on folk traditions and is conditioned by landscape and physical and geographical conditions of everyday life and forms of management, so the topics related to the ethnic economy should be combined into one block, as well as the block "Nutrition of Buryats", which includes the subtopics "Meat products", "Dairy products", etc. this dictionary is more compact and user-friendly.

The compilers of this dictionary, being native speakers and experts in the traditional culture and life of Buryats, give a complete description of the lexemes related to a particular reality of the traditional life of Buryats. The complexity of the problem lies in the fact that many elements of nomadic culture have disappeared from the lives of their native speakers, and the words denoting these concepts and objects have gone into the passive vocabulary of the Buryat language or have passed into the category of rarely used words.

Ulan-Ude: "Balig" heblel, 2004. 351 kh., zur. - S. D. Babuev, Ts. Ts. Balzhinimaeva.

Thematic explanatory dictionary of traditional life of Buryats. Ulan-Ude: Belig Publishing House, 2004. 352 p., ill.

page 204

The value of the dictionary lies in the fact that the compilers S. D. Babuev and Ts. Ts. Balzhinimaeva, relying on their knowledge and experience, using field materials of linguistic expeditions, information from informants-carriers of nomadic culture, raised a huge layer of outdated vocabulary of the modern Buryat language, gave a detailed interpretation of lexical units with an indication of the Russian translation. And it is legitimate that each dictionary entry is accompanied by an example from works of fiction, folklore texts, which gives greater reliability to this material and greatly facilitates the reader's understanding of an archaic term or a rare word. For example, " Zabag-tuurga deeberi hoeroy unyanuudai uzur talada dabhasaad bayhan gazar (the place where the wall and upper coverings of the yurt connect). Example: Zalhuu hUN zabagtaa Khurehegui (p. 139) - "A lazy person will not reach his zabak" (meaning: "A lazy person is too lazy to get up"); Yuuden - borotom sagta Umdedeg, bUdUn sambeer oegdohon, ara teeshee shushuurtai, Urgen doroo shegebshelegdedeg malgai (hood made of metal). cloth worn in rainy weather weather conditions). (D. Erdyneev, 1979)" (p. 192).

In search of the necessary information, as well as to select an adequate example to illustrate the semantics of dictionary units, the authors studied a huge array of local lore literature, all available works of Buryat writers, used more than 100 artistic and folklore texts, journal articles, among others. "Abai Gesar bogdo khan"," Abai Gesar Khubuun", works by J. B. Baldanzhabon, D. Batozhabai, B. Baradin, Ts -Zh. Zhimbiyev, Ch. Lodoidamba, N. Ochirov, B. Sanzhin, Zh. Tumunov, Ch. Tsydendambayev, D. Erdyneev and others.

More than 50 photos, drawings and sketches were used as illustrations.

Of course, we should also mention the novelty of building a peer-reviewed explanatory dictionary. According to the social function, it covers a set of problems: 1) description and normalization of the Buryat language; 2) scientific study of the vocabulary of the Buryat language; 3) teaching the Buryat language both native and non-native; 4) interlingual communication (as a bilingual dictionary): 5) improving the language culture of the society; 6) regional and local history studies.

The creation of the dictionary is also due to the need to record a large layer of linguistic material related to the spiritual and material culture of the Buryats, due to the fact that many Mongolian languages, including Buryat, are threatened with extinction (see: Juha Janhunen. Endangered Languages in Northeast Asia: Report // UNESCO Red Book on ENDANGERED Languages: Northeast Asia. Helsinki, 1993).

As you know, culture is a developing, changing phenomenon, in which not only new details and elements constantly disappear and appear, but also the very mechanism of their interaction is being improved and modified. In this regard, any research on culture and language as an integral part of culture is important and significant. Explanatory dictionaries are especially valuable as monuments of the spiritual culture of the people, reflecting the knowledge of this society in a certain era. However, dictionaries are also a means of storing and transmitting information.

The reviewed work makes a significant contribution to the development of modern Buryat lexicography and is of great interest for linguists, lexicographers, compilers of textbooks on the modern Buryat language, cultural studies, as well as for teachers and students of philological faculties, teachers and secondary school students, and a wide range of readers.

It seems that this dictionary, along with the" Explanatory Dictionary of the traditional life of the Kalmyks", created by G. Ts.Pyurbeev (Elista, 1996), makes a certain contribution to enriching the traditional culture of the Mongolian peoples and expands the range of branch dictionaries.


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L. B. BADMAEVA, V. E. RADNAEV, S. D. BABUEV, Ts. TS. BALZHINIMAEVA. BURYAADAY URDANAY hUUDAL BAYDALAY TAILBARI TOLI // Астана: Цифровая библиотека Казахстана (BIBLIO.KZ). Дата обновления: 07.07.2024. URL: (дата обращения: 06.10.2024).

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