Libmonster ID: KZ-2895
Author(s) of the publication: O. V. KHLEVNYUK

To the 50th anniversary of the Stakhanov movement

On the night of August 30-31, 1935, the Donetsk slaughterer A. G. Stakhanov achieved a record labor productivity: in six hours of work, he extracted 102 tons of coal, exceeding the norm by 14 times. A few weeks later, a movement of innovators called the Stakhanov movement was launched across the country. It included thousands of workers who were distinguished by their active life position and conscientious attitude to work. One of Stakhanov's followers in the leather and shoe industry was N. S. Smetanin, a worker at the Leningrad Skorokhod factory.

Nikolai Stepanovich Smetanin was born in 1905 in the family of a St. Petersburg stove maker. At the age of eight, he entered the city's primary school. Studying was easy for him. But soon the First World War began. Life was getting harder every day. His father's seasonal earnings were not enough to support a family of nine children. My mother began to sew "for the war". Nicholas had to interrupt his studies to earn a living. In 1916, he was assigned to the Petrov shoe factory as a "boy" for the summer holidays. He worked there for 10 hours. per day. In the winter of 1917, Nikolai returned to school, and in the summer of 1917, he went to work again, this time at the Dinali soap factory. After his father died in January 1918, Nikolai left school and joined Skorokhod as a student.

Skorokhod was the largest shoe manufacturer in Russia. His team was distinguished by its high professional level and political maturity. Traditionally, the influence of the Bolsheviks was strong there .2 Smetanin's professional development and personal development began in this team. During the Civil War, he, along with other residents of St. Petersburg, dug trenches on the outskirts of the city, sewed shoes for the Red Army, and participated in communist subbotniks. And after the war, when the school of factory apprenticeship was opened at Skorokhod, Nikolai became one of the first Fabzai students, as the students of the FZU were jokingly called at that time. "The atmosphere at our school was friendly. Often there were trips to theaters, movies, we made trips to the country, to the recreation center, interesting meetings were often arranged, " recalled Smetanin 3 . At the same time, he attended a working-class youth school and quickly became addicted to books: he read Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, and Belinsky.

He graduated from the Federal Law School as a worker of the 9th category, after which he got into the manual lingering department of the Skorokhod . In 1927, Nikolai was drafted into the Red Army. He spent a year at the artillery school, then served as an assistant platoon commander, and in 1929 returned to Skorokhod, finding it at the stage of reconstruction. There were new cars, workers had to retrain.

Industrialization provides many examples of the difficult task of breaking down the existing stereotypes of work and overcoming the psychological barriers that stand in the way of mastering new technology. At the same Skorokhod, an attempt to introduce a division of labor according to operations among skilled female workers in 1927 failed .4 Smetanin also managed to master a new peretyazhnuyu machine in just two months and explained-

1 Shashabrin K. Nikolay Smetanin. Moscow-L. 1935, p. 33; Leather and shoe industry of the USSR, 1935, N 12, p. 748; Stakhanovtsy goroda Lenina. L. 1936, p. 15.

2 Istoriya rabochikh Leningradki [History of Leningrad Workers], vol. 2, l. 1972, p. 28.

3 Cit. by: Shashabrin K. Uk. soch., p. 34.

4 Kulyshev Yu., Rogachevskaya L. Pervye udarnye [The first drums], Moscow, 1961, pp. 26-27.

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He described his success as follows: "I was used to handling complex mechanisms in the army, so the Menus belt-pulling machine did not surprise me" 5 . "I was attracted to the peretyazhka because this work is more responsible than others" 6 . The transition to mechanized work was a turning point in Smetanin's life.

The improvement of his professional skills took place in an environment of general labor growth, characteristic of the first five-year plan. On January 20, 1929, V. I. Lenin's article " How to organize a competition?". In April, the XVI All-Union Party Conference, in its address "To All Workers and Laboring Peasants of the Soviet Union", called for a broad development of socialist competition. "Competition and the five-year plan," the appeal said, "are inextricably linked." 7 In May, the Resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU(b) "On the socialist competition of factories and factories" was published, in which it was considered as one of the "most important methods of socialist education of the proletariat and the involvement of the broadest working masses in the business of economic management"8 . By 1930, 29% of industrial workers had joined the social competition .9 By the end of 1929, more than 7 thousand skorokhodovtsy participated in it10 .

At Skorokhod ,the competition was held under the general slogan " Five-year plan in four years!". In 1930-1932, almost all the labor initiatives that were born at that time were spread at the factory: production communes, through-and self-supporting teams were organized, and a counter-plan was introduced. Among the drummers of Skorokhod was Smetanin, who regularly exceeded the production standard from 1930. 800 pairs of shoes per shift-this was his personal record at that time. In 1931, Nikolai headed one of the best self-supporting teams in the screw-tightening shop. Fabrichnaya mnogotirazhka twice placed photos of Smetanin and his team as the best peretyazhchikov 11 .

Skorokhod factory, like the whole country, completed its first five-year plan in 4 years and 3 months. Its output in 1932 alone was more than 4 times higher than in 191312 . Thanks to the reconstruction, Skorokhod was technically ahead of its sister enterprises in the country. It created the first shop in the USSR for the production of shoes with monolithic soles, one of the teams of puffs in which Smetanin headed. However, the new equipment at Skorokhod, as well as at many other enterprises of the country, was mastered with great difficulty. I didn't have enough experience in organizing work. The peasants who entered the industry yesterday did not have the necessary skills, their cultural and technical level did not meet the increased requirements of socialist industry. New decisive steps were needed.

The organizer of the movement for mastering advanced technology was the Skorokhod party organization, which numbered 2.5 thousand communists by the beginning of the second five-year plan13 . By the end of 1934, Skorokhod was ranked among the best Leningrad enterprises in terms of technical training of its workers .14 More than half of the Skorokhod students who were engaged in technical school circles passed the exams for "good" and"excellent" 15 . Members of Smetanin's team also successfully mastered the techminimum. They were also included in the

5 Molodye stakhanovtsy [Young Stakhanovites], L. 1936, p. 15.

6 Stakhanovtsy, Moscow, 1935, p. 57.

7 CPSU in resolutions and decisions of congresses, conferences and plenums of the Central Committee. Ed. 8-E. T. 4, p. 252.

8 Ibid., p. 264.

9 Istoriya sovetskogo rabochego klassa [History of the Soviet Working Class], vol. 2, Moscow, 1984, p. 265.

10 History of the Leningrad State Order of Lenin and the Order of the Red Banner of Labor of the Skorokhod Shoe Factory named after Ya. Kalinin, L. 1969, p. 305.

11 Skorokhodovsky worker, 22.VI; 4. VII; 18. VIII. 1931.

12 History of the Skorokhod factory, p. 333.

13 Ibid., p. 342.

14 Potikhonova E. A. Workers of light industry in Leningrad during the Second Five-year Plan. In the book. - Workers of the North-West of the RSFSR during the construction of socialism. L. 1979, p. 24.

15 Kulagina V. M. Leningrad Communists in the struggle for mastering technology (1933-1935). l. 1962, p. 64.

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Izotovo movement No. 16, which was initiated at Skorokhod by the cadre worker communist I. G. Ivanov. At the beginning of 1933, Smetanin's team was one of the first to support the initiative of P. S. Dzevenkovsky, who organized for the first time in the shoe industry the DIP ("Catch up and overtake") team, which set the task of achieving and surpassing the best world indicators of labor productivity .17
On March 8-9, 1934, a competition of Moscow and Leningrad izotovtsy-tanners took place in the monolithic shoe shop. Smetanin pulled 1,100 pairs of shoes per shift at a rate of 650 pairs .18 Nikolai Stepanovich completed the plan of 1935 by September 17. At the same time, he pulled 800-900 pairs of shoes daily 19 . In the same year, Smetanin completed his studies at an advanced technical school, and still read a lot. "I like to read. I've been reading a lot all my life, " 20 he said. We managed to find an extract from his library reader's form: from June 20 to October 4, 1935, he borrowed 15 books from the library, among them works by A. Chapygin, I. Ehrenburg, A. Novikov-Priboy, A. Barbusse, V. Hugo. 21 S. R. Gershberg recalled meeting Smetanin: "The culture of speech peculiar to him caught my eye... His style-clear, precise - hardly needed correction. " 22
Smetanin's labor successes were a reflection of the overall achievements of the Soviet working class. In the mid-1930s, there were many innovators of production in the USSR who successfully solved the task set by the party of mastering new equipment. When articles about Stakhanov and then about his early followers appeared in the newspapers in early September 1935, Smetaniye came to the conclusion that "shoemakers should not lag behind miners." 23 "The Stakhanovite movement fascinated me from the first day I read about it in the newspapers. I spent several days in a row thinking about all the aspects of my operation, making experiments, " 24 Nikolai Stepanovich said. On September 20, at a meeting of the Skorokhod izotovtsy, it was decided to organize the Stakhanov movement 25 at the factory .

A few days later, the newspaper reported: "On September 21, Nikolai Smetanin, as usual, got up for work... The monolithic shoe shop followed Smetanin with intense attention. Calmly, evenly, with amazing rhythmicity, the hands of the puffer moved, bringing one shoe after another to the car. At 10 o'clock in the morning, i.e. in 3 hours, the norm was already fulfilled. By the end of the work, it became known that Smetanin gave 1,400 pairs of shoes. " 26 It was a world record. The best masters of Czechoslovak shoe companies Bati pulled 1125 pairs of shoes per shift 27 . Smetanin's high-performance work, like that of other Stakhanovites, was based on excellent technical knowledge and high professional skill. In the record," I realized all my five - year experience at once, " said Smetanin 28 . It is estimated that due to the clarity and rationality of movements, Smetanin's "hand run" savings in comparison with other peretyazhchik reached 13.6 km per shift 29 .

"N. S. Smetanin," the report of the Lenin Laboratory of Labor Physiology noted-

16 In 1932, Donetsk miner N. A. Izotov advocated the transfer of production experience to young workers and in 1933 organized a site - school for advanced training, which was called Izotovskaya. This movement dealt a blow to the tradition of "secrecy" among some highly skilled workers, their attempts to use their production experience and knowledge exclusively for their personal interests.

17 History of the Skorokhod factory, pp. 349-350.

18 To the anniversary of the First All-Union Meeting of Stakhanovists. Collection of senior directors of Leningrad light industry enterprises. L. 1936, p. 26; Industrialization of the North-Western district during the second and third five-year plans (1933-1941). L. 1969, p.333.

19 Shashabrin K. Uk. soch., p. 36.

20 Cit. by: Molodye stakhanovtsy, p. 17.

21 TsGAOR USSR, f. 5451, op. 19, d. 222, l. 150.

22 Gershberg S. Stakhanov and the Stakhanovites, Moscow, 1981, p. 60.

23 Stakhanovtsy, p. 59.

24 Skorokhodovsky rabochy, 26. IX. 1935.

25 Leather and footwear industry of the USSR, 1935, N 10, p. 563.

26 Cit. by: Generation of drummers. Sat. doc. and memoirs on socialist competition at Leningrad enterprises in 1928-1961, L. 1963, pp. 85-86.

27 Shashabrin K. Uk. soch., p. 13.

28 Cit. by: Molodye stakhanovtsy, p. 15.

29 TsGAOR USSR, f. 5451, op. 19, d. 222, l. 109.

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University of Grad and the laboratory of production and labor organization of the Skorokhod factory, - left the minimum required number of receptions, eliminating the extra ones due to the unmistakable quality of the remaining ones. N. S. Smetanin uses the workplace rationally organized by himself in full. His movements are precise, not large in size, and not fast. The accuracy of N. S. Smetanin's movements is the product of an exceptionally attentive attitude to his work, the product of a persistent study of the technique of work and appropriate training... There is a wisdom in this parsimony of movements that protests against empty hand-waving and unnecessary waste of energy. " 30 Smetanin himself admitted: "I made 1,400 pairs not by overexertion, but solely by rhythm, through careful study of the operation." 31
A clear division of labor between skilled and part-time workers was also of great importance, which allowed Smetanin to increase the share of time spent working on a car to 76%, with an average of 27% 32 . Contemporaries noted that the division of labor also acquired great social significance, because in practice it "gives enormous incentives to the growth of the individuality of each employee, the formation and identification of his face"33 , protects skilled labor "from its plundering in small things"34 . A significant role was played by the use of hidden reserves of production. For example, Smetanin worked faster than the glue used in the shoe industry for many years "set". Factory specialists produced a fast-acting adhesive. One of Smetanin's earliest followers, S. V. Krechetovich, recalled: "The Smetanin movement in the factory made the skorokhod workers somehow shake themselves up, look at their own hands, the car, and their workplace with different eyes." 35
The Stakhanov movement was led by Communists. In terms of leadership of the innovator movement, the Skorokhoda party organization was one of the best in Leningrad. 36 The development of the Stakhanov movement was helped by the transition to a more active use of material levers to stimulate labor: progressive forms of payment were introduced more consistently and widely than before. "An increase in labor productivity," wrote Smetanin, " will give a huge result to the country, and at the same time it will improve the situation of workers. This is how we combine public interests with personal interests. " 37 The first followers of Smetanin were skorokhodovtsy Dzevenkovsky and Krechetovich, workers of the Moscow shoe factory "Paris Commune" P. A. Petukhov, S. I. Yashin and I. L. Sudarikov38 . Stakhanovites of the shoe industry called themselves smetanintsy.

On October 6, 1935, Smetanin set a new record by pulling 1,820 pairs of shoes in a shift of 39 . On October 10, as part of a delegation of Skorokhod workers, he left for Moscow to exchange experience. After the reception at the People's Commissariat of Light Industry, Skorokhodovtsy demonstrated their working methods in the workshops of the Burevestnik and Paris Commune shoe factories. As a result, already in October, the Paris Commune had 163 front-line soldiers .

Not all workers immediately understood the essence of the Stakhanov movement. It seemed to some that it only applies to singles-record holders. It was hard for others to understand

30 Kachevskaya A. I., Kosilov S. A., Sheydin Ya. A. Analysis of N. S. Smetanin's movements during shoe binding. - Uchenye zapiski Leningradskogo universiteta, seriya biologicheskikh nauk, 1938, No. 23, issue 6, p. 37.

31 The First All-Union Meeting of Stakhanovite workers and women Workers, November 14-17, 1935. Stenogr. otch. M. 1935, p. 37.

32 TsGAOR USSR, f. 5451, op. 19, d. 222, l. 109.

33 Stakhanovtsy Uralmash. M. - Sverdlovsk. 1936, p. 201.

34 Problemy ekonomiki, 1935, N 6, p. 5.

35 Cit. by: Sokolov S. M. Vyrubshchik Stepan Krechetovich. Moscow-L. 1936, p. 7.

36 Khabibulina R. Ya. Leningrad Communists-organizers of the Stakhanov movement (1935-1937). l. 1961, p. 49; Industrializatsiya Severo-Zapadnogo rayona, p. 347.

37 Stories about Socialist skill, Moscow, 1936, p. 151.

38 Vaisman I., Bederov Ya. Smetanintsy "Paris Commune". Moscow, 1935, p. 20.

39 Skorokhodovsky rabochy, 11. X. 1935.

40 Spirin N. V. The firstborn of the socialist shoe industry. Voprosy istorii, 1982, No. 9, p. 91.

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principles of the new method of work. It was the records of Stakhanov and his followers that became an example of the practical implementation of the new method. Smetaninsky 1800-1900 pairs of shoes per shift, as eyewitnesses testified, " literally shook the foundations of established ideas, established standards. This time it was a matter of very close, very clear things... The tight car was right there, next to it, tangible. " 41
The innovator movement has captured the broadest strata of the working class. From October 10 to November 1, 1935, the number of Stakhanovites in Leningrad alone increased from 484 to 23,42 . N. Chistyakov, a young Skorokhod worker, said: "At the factory and at our school (O. Kh., FZU in 1935), there was only talk about these first Stakhanovites... I had a huge desire to become like them, to distinguish myself in production. From that moment on, both schoolwork and practical training in the workshop took on a new meaning for me: I began to prepare for Stakhanov's work. " 43
In November 1935, delegations of Stakhanovites from the main industrial regions of the country arrived in Moscow to celebrate the 18th anniversary of the Great October Revolution. The largest was Leningrad: a special train delivered 500 advanced workers to the capital. A rally was held at the railway station. Smetanin spoke from Leningrad. The program of my stay in Moscow was extremely rich. The leaders of production visited the People's commissariats, MK VKP (b), VTSSPS, newspaper offices, and enterprises. The capital was preparing for the holiday, and Stakhanovites saw their own portraits on the streets and squares next to the portraits of the party and government leaders. And on the evening of November 6, they were invited to the Bolshoi Theater for a solemn meeting. The next day, they attended a military parade and demonstration on Red Square as guests of honor. Then, for several days, we got to know the city and met with delegations of foreign workers who arrived for the holidays .44
On November 14, the First All-Union Meeting of Stakhanovites opened in the Kremlin. It was attended by 83 people-workers, directors of enterprises, leaders of the party and the state. The meeting analyzed the experience of the movement, pointed out the shortcomings in its organization and outlined measures to overcome them. Smetanin also spoke at the meeting: "I have been working at the Skorokhod shoe factory continuously for 18 years... I love my factory, I love my country, I love my work - that's why I can give even better results. " 45 The country followed the work of this forum with interest. In those days, thousands of new workers joined the ranks of the Stakhanovites. High spirits reigned on the Skorokhod. Skorokhodovtsy proudly read the newspapers and counted how many times the name "their Smetanin"was mentioned in the speeches of the party and government leaders .46 The very next day after his speech, 172 Skorokhod workers switched to the Smetaninsky method 47 . On December 9, the central newspapers published a decree of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR on awarding Stakhanovites, and soon Smetanin was awarded the Order of Lenin.

How did his contemporaries remember Nikolai Stepanovich? Cheerful, optimistic, energetic. "Smetanin has a thin, expressive face, lively and intelligent eyes. He looks at the world in a fun and simple way. The name Kolya is more appropriate to him than the solid name Nikolai Stepanovich, " wrote his first biographer. And almost 40 years later, Stakhanovite A. Kh. Busygin, recalling his meetings with Smetanin, said:: "He was a funny, witty man, a great speaker"49 . "I have rarely met a more sensitive and sympathetic person than Smetanin," said his workmate N. I. Sychev. "Whenever you turn to him, he will always help you, explain." 50 Smetanin was actively looking for ways to further raise the price-

41 Vaisman I., Bederov Ya. Uk. soch., p. 39.

42 Selitsky V. The beginning of the Stakhanov movement in Leningrad. - Voprosy istorii, 1951, N 11, p. 45.

43 Cit. by: Komsomoltsy "Skorokhoda". Moscow-L. 1936, p. 11.

44 Gershberg S. Uk. soch., pp. 81-82.

45 First All-Union Meeting of Stakhanovite Workers and Women Workers, p. 38.

46 Stakhanovtsy goroda Lenina, p. 20.

47 Ibid.

48 Ibid., p. 15.

49 A look through the years: notes of the Stakhanovites, Moscow, 1984, p. 533.

50 Leningradskaya pravda, 16. XI. 1937.

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in the field of labor. "I will not stop there, but will continue to study and improve my operation," he said 51 . "I believe that the Stakhanov movement is just beginning. We need to ensure that every worker is a Stakhanovite... I am sure that every worker can and should be a Stakhanovite. " 52
When on November 3, 1935, the first Stakhanov school was opened on the "Paris Commune", initiated and headed by a worker with 10 years of experience, a communist S. I. Yashin, then out of the first 11 graduates of his school, 10 increased labor productivity by 20-30% in a month 53-Stakhanov schools were widely used in the national economy and they played a significant role in the rise of the entire movement. At that time, the institute of public instructors-Stakhanovites-was created at Skorokhod. After the workday, they pro bono provided production instruction to other shifts, patronized laggards in their factory, and participated in raids on lagging businesses .54
Having analyzed the difficulties and tasks of the Stakhanov movement, the December (1935) Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU(b) pointed out the need to restructure the activities of industry and transport, based on the realities that have developed as a result of the success of innovators; provided for measures to improve the cultural and technical level of workers; put forward specific requirements for engineering and technical employees; recognized it salary levels 55 . In accordance with these decisions, the transition of industry to new standards began in 1936. On Skorokhod, they were increased by an average of 34%56 . Their development required high-performance work of the production team as a whole, for which the experience and knowledge of the Stakhanovites were widely used.

In May 1935, Smetanii was appointed head of the department in the welt shoe shop. The department was listed as lagging behind: with a plan of 1,600 pairs of shoes per day, it gave up to 700, and of poor quality. Smetanin managed to achieve a breakthrough in the work of the plant, and soon he was appointed head of the shop. He coped with his duties successfully, and combined his work with studying at the Faculty of Social Sciences at the Industrial Academy 58 . Smetanin's considerable merit was that the Skorokhodovtsy completed the 1936 plan by November 19. Despite the transition to a more labor-intensive product range, the Smetaninsky movement provided a 27.4% increase in labor productivity compared to 1935 .59 Skorokhodovtsev's achievements were no exception. In 1936, it became clear that the country would complete the second five-year plan ahead of schedule.

In December 1936, the Extraordinary eighth All-Union Congress of Soviets met in Moscow, with Smetanin as one of its delegates. The Congress discussed and adopted the new Constitution of the USSR. Smetanin participated in the work of the Drafting Committee for the preparation of the text of the second Constitution of the Russian Federation . Speaking in the debate, he said: "Here, at the Extraordinary Congress of Soviets, on the draft Constitution, I can say one thing: the right to work, the right to rest, the right to education, the right to material support in old age are guaranteed in our country, and I am proud to vote for this Constitution!"61 . In 1937, Smetanin was appointed deputy director of the Skorokhod factory, and in October, the collectives of his factory, Electrosila and Izhorsky factories nominated Nikolai Stepanovich as a candidate for deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. On December 12, he became a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. "Here, where my parents live and work.

51 Cit. by: Krzhesinsky A. Affairs and people of the Rabkorov organization "Skorokhoda". Moscow, 1936, p. 33.

52 First All-Union Conference of Stakhanovite Workers and Women Workers, p. 39.

53 TsGAOR USSR, f. 5451, op. 19, d. 222, ll. 126-127, 180-189.

54 Leather and footwear industry of the USSR, 1936, No. 2, pp. 10-11; School of Stakhanov's work. Experience of the Leningrad factory "Skorokhod". Moscow-L. 1938.

55 CPSU in resolutions, vol. 5, pp. 231-243.

56 Materials for the branch conference of the Union Shoe Industry, Moscow, 1936, p. 29.

57 Leningradskaya pravda, 17. XI. 1937.

58 Maisky P. Nikolay Smetanin, Moscow, 1937, p. 8.

59 TSGANKH SSSR, f. 7781, op. 1, d. 799, l. 16.

60 The working class in State Administration (1926-1937). Moscow, 1968, p. 102.

61 Extraordinary VIII All-Union Congress of Soviets, November 25-December 5, 1936. Stekogr. otch. M. 1936, p. 37.

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voters, I was born and raised myself. This is where I live, study and work now. This undoubtedly makes it easier for me to be the voice of their aspirations and aspirations, their needs and needs in the Supreme Soviet, " he wrote on the eve of the opening of the First session of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR .62 At the second session, in August 1938, Smetanin was elected a people's assessor of the Supreme Court of the USSR .63 In the same year, he was appointed director of Skorokhod .

The range of responsibilities and responsibilities has expanded. "17,000 workers and engineering and technical workers, numerous and highly sophisticated machinery, complex organization of labor, and a huge financial economy-all this demands of me, a young leader, a truly Bolshevik leadership. I have not yet fully mastered much of the art of managing such a large farm, and I am meeting many of them for the first time. But even here, at my new job, I consider it my main life task to work as best as possible, " said Smetanin 64 . As a director, he focused on improving quality, expanding and updating the product range, strengthening labor discipline, and social problems. A significant place was taken by the struggle for improving the cultural and technical level of the team. "When talking about working with people, we should pay special attention to studying. From my own experience, I know how important a good knowledge of cars is, how important technical literacy is, " wrote Smetanin 65 .

In 1939, Nikolai Stepanovich was accepted into the ranks of the Communist Party and in the same year was appointed Deputy People's Commissar of Light Industry of the USSR, elected deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR 66 . For many years he worked in the light industry system, until his retirement in 1962; he was the director of a number of enterprises. His work was awarded the Second Order of Lenin and the Order of the Red Banner of Labor .67 When the country celebrated the 40th anniversary of the Stakhanov movement in 1975, on September 23, the central newspapers published Decrees of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR awarding the title" for great merits in the development of mass socialist competition, achievement of high labor productivity, long-term activity in introducing advanced labor methods " and in connection with the 40th anniversary of the Stakhanov movement Hero of Socialist Labor to a group of initiators of the movement. Among others, it was awarded to Smetanin.

A notable event of those days was the scientific and practical conference held in Moscow on September 23-25, which was attended by Nikolai Stepanovich 68 . It discussed the continuity of the labor traditions of the Soviet working class, the use of the experience of veterans, and developed practical recommendations for the further organization of socialist competition .69 Today, when the socialist competition in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Stakhanov movement has unfolded in the country, interest in its history and traditions has acquired a special character. "To continue the traditions of the Stakhanovites means to direct the energy and initiative of the masses to solving the key tasks of improving the efficiency of the economy." 70 One of the right flankers of the Stakhanov movement, during which the combination of personal and public interests rose to a qualitatively new level, was Nikolai Stepanovich Smetanin.

62 Smetanin N. Notes of the deputy. - Stakhanovets, 1938, N 1, p. 23.

63 Second session of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, August 10-21, 1938. Stenogr. otch. M. 1938, p. 690.

64 Smetanin N. Towards new victories! - Party organizer, 1938, N 20, p. 39.

65 Smetanin N. S. For the Bolshevik style of work, for discipline, for the culture of production. - Leather and footwear industry of the USSR, 1938, N 10, p. 7.

66 Rabochaya entsiklopediya [Working Encyclopedia], L. 1982, p. 36.

67 Rogachevskaya L. S. Sotsialisticheskoe konkurentanie v SSSR [Socialist competition in the USSR]. Historical essays. 1917-1970. Moscow, 1977, p. 148.

68 N. S. Smetanin died in 1978.

69 Socialist competition: experience, problems. Proceedings of the All-Union Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the Stakhanov movement (September 23-25, 1975). Moscow, 1976.

70 Improvement of developed socialism and the ideological work of the Party in the light of the decisions of the June 1983 Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU. Proceedings of the Scientific and Practical Conference, Moscow, December 10-11, 1984, Moscow, 1985, p. 27.

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14 days ago · From Mukhamed Sultanov
14 days ago · From Mukhamed Sultanov
I. M. IONENKO. Soldiers of rear garrisons in the struggle for Soviet power (based on materials from the Volga region and the Urals). Kazan University Publishing House. 1976. 198 p. (I); I. M. IONENKO. THE SOLDIER MASSES IN THE OCTOBER REVOLUTION. BASED ON MATERIALS FROM THE VOLGA REGION AND THE URALS
14 days ago · From Mukhamed Sultanov

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