Libmonster ID: KZ-2527

The Pushkinskoe Slovo city experimental platform of the Moscow Committee of Education, created for the purpose of scientific and practical development of prospects for humanitarian education in the XXI century, has prepared the "Concept of language Policy in schools on the threshold of the XXI century" for wide public discussion by teachers and philologists, which is offered to our readers.

The significance of the twentieth century as a whole will be objectively assessed by mankind only in the next millennium. But its role in the field of culture, especially language and speech, in Russia at the turn of the century was clearly shown: the global decline of language culture in all strata of society. The progressive public has been sounding the alarm about this for several decades, trying to fight the growing aggression of the modern "Newspeak", imposed on the younger generation by all the power of the mass media and the muddy market element.

It is well known that every historical epoch has its own ideal of human dignity and beauty of speech. And each epoch makes its precious contribution to the" living as life", constantly updated language, which is crystallized in it for centuries, preserving this great gift of God as the most precious possession of the people, the nation. It is no accident that the awakening of national consciousness among the peoples that make up the former USSR and inhabit Russia began precisely with the resuscitation of half-stifled national languages. As a result, a great language war has emerged, naturally reinforced by the battle of religions that make up the roots of national cultures. National intelligentsia and actively acting-

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today, responsible politicians shake off the dust from the centuries-old charters of history, proving the greatness and originality of the national language - after all, without a language, there is no nation, and this is clear to everyone.

What is the language policy of the Russian state in relation to the Russian language, about which the great Lomonosov wrote almost three centuries ago: "The ruler of many languages, the Russian language, is not only great in the vastness of the places where it dominates, but also in its own space and content, before all in Europe." Being alive and developing according to its own laws, the language is self-cleaning and improving at all times.

The 18th century strengthened the grammatical foundation of the Russian language, put it on a broad path of Enlightenment, and opened wide the doors to the language of artistic works.

The enlightened 19th century, which ushered in the era of "scientific humanism" with its unified picture of the world and man, introduced a special style of scientific speech based on the principles of problematicity, novelty, rationality and humanism, developing and preserving the beauty and value of artistic, documentary, judicial and political speech, In the constant struggle between Slavophiles and Westerners, the Russian language was created in the Russian language. the language developed normally and intensively. The Pushkin language shone like a golden ingot from this turbulent era - the support and hope of all people who are dear and close to Russian culture.

What contribution did the outgoing XX century make to the treasury of the Russian language?

From the very beginning, futurist poets and other innovators tried to revolutionize the Russian language, to change its phonetic, lexical-semantic, syntactic-intonational structure in the spirit of the coming revolution. The beauty and height of the style began to be treated as pompous and false, alien to the new time. To completely level and depersonalize the literary language, a real censorship ban was introduced on such high words as inspiration, symbol, inspiration, nobility, intuition, insight, revelation, otherness, mystery, etc. Needless to say, on the way of such eternal words as God, Theotokos, Angel, mercy, etc., there was a strong barrier in the form of censorship of printed publications. After all, the language, deliberately understated, truncated, did not tolerate the presence of its antipode, longed for equality, depersonalization.

And yet the great element of the Russian language broke through bright springs in the speech of the remaining intellectuals, excellent Russian writers, who often continued to write "to the table".

However, there was another threat from the "language policy" of the Soviet state. And it stemmed from the fundamental function of the Russian language in a multinational state - to be the language of interethnic communication. And although in this mission of his, in principle, nothing bad

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no, but gradually, under the influence of the fiercely pursued language policy, the understanding of the intrinsic value of the Russian language, its fundamental connection with the entire Russian culture, religion, history, and fiction began to disappear. And our "great and mighty", systematically and purposefully distorted for the sake of the needs of interethnic communication by all peoples to the market, everyday and newspaper-bureaucratic, has also become for the Russian people "the language of interethnic communication".

The school, however, caught in the grip of the task of universal literacy, generally reduced the study of the language to spelling and punctuation, which finally undermined interest in it. Moreover, it was not able to perform this task, and as a result, we have young people who are illiterate and indifferent to the Russian language.

Thus, the picture of the development of the Russian language in the XX century would be completely deplorable and hopeless if it were not for the phenomenon of the 60s, when our society began to thaw after the "ice age" of barrack socialism. Writers and philologists immediately began to actively and energetically pay attention to the problems of language and speech culture. Publications about the culture of speech, expressiveness and accuracy of the word, and word education flooded into the dam break.

Nowadays, it is important to emphasize the need for a modern understanding of language policy. First of all, language policy is nothing more than" guiding social linguistic needs " (in the words of Professor G. O. Vinokur). The direction of language policy is formed on the basis of a scientific understanding of the patterns of development of the literary language. Since the Russian language is the most important (or rather, the most necessary) part of the spiritual culture of the entire Russian people, it should be protected by the state as an object of national security.

On October 25, 1991, the Law on the Languages of the Peoples of the Russian Federation was adopted, in which Russian was declared the state language for the first time in our time. A federal program to support the Russian language has been developed. It considers the language in three main aspects: Russian as a state language, as a national language, and as a world language. In the latter case, we mean the functions of the Russian language in the international arena. The role of the state is also important in organizing the teaching of the Russian language, creating humanitarian institutions, setting them up and financing them, which is also an important part of supporting Russian culture, science and language.

Still, very little has been done yet. The desire to resist the lack of spirituality, the obvious decline in moral and speech culture is noticeable only among a small part of our intelligentsia - some writers, scientists, teachers and clergy. Unfortunately, there are almost no journalists among them.

Radio programs under the heading of

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"Culture of speech". The same topic was widely presented in all magazines and newspapers. In the 60s, a special popular science magazine "Russian Speech" appeared, which is well known to the general public. People rushed to buy up various dictionaries, hoping for the return of the lost language culture through them.

During these years, the school also began to turn with a creak to "speech development", expressive reading, rhetoric, in short, everything that we lost back in the 30s... But the coup did not happen-the destructive changes were too deep, the public efforts and efforts of the school were too weak.

What did the turbulent social processes of the last decade of the XX century bring to the Russian language?

In general, we can state that the Russian language is being persecuted and oppressed in all the former fraternal republics, along with their native speakers and teachers.

State policy is not effective enough, as evidenced by endless interethnic conflicts and even wars. In schools, blatant illiteracy and hatred of the Russian language as an academic subject have reached catastrophic proportions, leading to discouragement and despair of teachers, humiliated both by this indifference and economically. .. The literary community is not up to the problems of language - no one stands up for its protection from market-criminal dirt and unjustified dominance of foreign vocabulary and even intonation. Radio and television replaced all programs about the Russian language from their channels (you can't take seriously a pathetic toy picture on the Kultura channel!). Magazines one after another cease to exist, and newspapers are filled with dubious "sensations" and scandals. With such results and "achievements", we are entering a new millennium since the Birth of Christ.

Moscow teachers, supported by the Department of Education and the Moscow Government, have developed their own strategy for reviving the Russian language, starting with kindergartens and schools and ending with humanitarian universities. By offering our concept to the general public, we hope for the support of everyone who cares about Russian culture and believes in the future of Russia.

We do not know what the language policy of the Russian state will be in the 21st century. But we are convinced that if preschool and school teachers are deeply aware of their mission in educating the language personality, they will be able to say their weighty word in defense of their native language and encourage the Russian public to actively contribute.

The Pushkinskoe Slovo City Experimental Platform, established by the Moscow Department of Education in 1999, begins to operate with the following tasks::

- strengthen the model standards of the modern literary language,

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allowing for the inclusion in its fabric of the vocabulary of the new time, which will not come into conflict with the high ideals of the golden age of Russian classical literature, its origins dating back to the Pushkin era;

- when teaching the Russian language, it is important not only to give knowledge to students, but also to develop their sense of language, to instill skills of proficiency in the word, to treat the word as a spiritual and aesthetic category;

- to form an image of a well-developed Russian language personality, capable of independently mastering the spiritual values of a diverse and multinational culture, developing and improving their native language and national culture based on a deep understanding of their historical roots and connections;

- stop the spread of the so-called "English-Russian bilingualism" in the language of advertising and mass media: in newspapers, on radio and television.

- based on the participation and assistance of the Moscow Government, organize regular educational TV and radio programs under the heading "Culture of Speech", in which writers, scientists, secondary school teachers, and university teachers would take part. It is important that the program of programs is multi-level, designed for different age groups of children;

- on the basis of the Central District of Moscow, create a Humanitarian center that would bring together teachers, scientists, and writers who love the Russian word and want to participate in solving the tasks set for the school of the XXI century. Make the center open to all people who love the Russian language, no matter what territory they live in.

The draft Concept was prepared by the authors ' group of the city network experimental platform "Pushkinskoe Slovo", including the Deputy Director for scientific work of the Progymnasium N 1842 S. F. Ivanova and Doctor of Philology L. K. Graudina.


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Language policy at school on the threshold of the XXI century // Astana: Digital Library of Kazakhstan (BIBLIO.KZ). Updated: 27.07.2024. URL: (date of access: 18.10.2024).

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