Libmonster ID: KZ-2523
Автор(ы) публикации: E. D. GOLOVINA

Not only the hero of I. S. Turgenev quoted in the title, but also many of his real contemporaries were disgusted by the empty tasteless eloquence. However, the smoking room is alive! I. A. Krylov's well-known expression "they won't say a word in simplicity" is still applicable today to those authors of oral and written public speeches who consider it good form to express themselves more solidly, more instructively, and more flowery. They realize their aspirations through various methods and, first of all, through the selection and preference of certain lexical means of the modern Russian language.

So, from possible synonyms, choose a higher style: build a cowshed, not build (Kirovskaya Pravda. 1998. N 31), to work in a funeral home, but not to work (Kirovskaya Pravda. 1992, N 45), to learn the habits of bears, and not to learn or study them (Kirovskaya Pravda. 1998. N 75). Apparently, out of special respect for predators, the tabloid "Leisure in Moscow" (1999. N 44) writes that "the wolf eats meat, but he eats strawberries, voles, and large-hoofed animals."

The desire to flaunt a sophisticated word also leads to a shift in paronyms, that is, single-root, but not synonymous lexicons.-

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"The instigator of the scandal was a small article in an English newspaper "(Digest-Chimes. 1991. N 1); "One of the instigators of the fight - Dmitry Arkhipov" (Vyatka observer. 1996. N 34); "In the drawings, nature is captivating, some kind of light breath" (Book Review. 1990. No. 5); "Today's fashion is a hymn to harmony, to nature" (To everyone. 1998. N 13). Meanwhile, the initiators of fights, scandals and other unseemly affairs are not the instigators, but the instigators; the book noun nature, used instead of the one-root naturalness, actually means "natural property, essence, essence", for example: the incomprehensibility of human nature.

Also, the paronyms revelation and frankness, remains and remnants, official and official are not interchangeable. However, journalists write: "The main thing here is to be able to call out the teenagers themselves and try to understand them "(Novaya Gazeta. 2002. N 78); "Remains of a wire were found in our 19th-century earth layer" (Our version. 1997. N 43); "The author does not speak about official things, but simply from himself, describes what he saw" (Nezavisimaya Gazeta. 1999. N 68).

Secondly, for authors of public speeches, words that are clearly foreign in appearance and origin are usually preferable to native language units. Thus, the weekly Vyatka Observer constantly calls the weather climate: "Closer to night, the first visitors to the beach were graduates of Vyatka schools, who were not bothered by the climate" (Vyatka Observer. 2001. N 26); "The March cats are not visible - perhaps due to the unstable climate, the senses have not yet woken up" (Vyatka Observer. 1999. N 13). Regardless of the semantic differences in words, journalists call the culprit of an accident the initiator, an exception-an anomaly,an infectious disease-an infection, an opponent - an opponent, a task-a problem, a level - a condition, an advantage-a priority, and local media - local. Our issues are not discussed, but are exaggerated (inflated), the economic gap is not growing and is not increasing, but is progressing. Something remarkable does not surprise us, but shocks us, despite the fact that the verb shock (from the French "blow, push") means "to cause embarrassment by violating the rules of decency and generally accepted norms."

Third, words of the most narrow, terminological application are often chosen from existing synonymous means: "This is at odds with the actual facts, and of the opposite color (instead of color)" (Business Tuesday. 2000. N 41); "There will be difficulties, for example, they will not check in (instead of settling in) in a hotel" (Coma, pravda. 2002. N 73); "I thought they would bury me (instead of bury me) with crutches" (Megapolis-express. 1999. N 38). The" protocol " word accomplice has essentially already been replaced by ha-

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On the zeta pages, the noun is an accomplice, although accomplices are not all accomplices, but only those who are being tried in the same criminal case. For example: "Security guards detained two accomplices who tried to steal equipment from the enterprise's territory" (Our version. 2000. No. 7); "Sobakin retained some business skills, which were not slow to take advantage of by his accomplices who transported stolen cars to the CIS countries" (Interlocutor. 1997. N 44); " A lover of geological wonders took his mother as an accomplice. She stood under the windows and took pebbles" (Kirovskaya Pravda. 1996. N 28); "The security guard opened the windows of the office, where two of his accomplices climbed from the street through a drainpipe" (For You. 1994. N 30); "Soon the orphanage owner decided to get rich, found an accomplice, and together with him they stole icons" (Vyatka Observer. 1994. N 39).

The nouns bed and bed, both in everyday and newspaper language, are increasingly being replaced by the word bunk (a place to sleep on a ship, in a hostel, in a hospital, barracks, and in other "state-owned houses"). For example: "Well, who would have thought that I would sleep in a mahogany cot?" (General newspaper. 1997. N 15); "In the middle of the night, he (the chief power engineer. - E. G. ) was lifted from his bed - an accident occurred at the mine" (Coma, pravda. 2004. February 13); "If someone happens to be in a bed with me, then it is simply impossible to get rid of them, they stick to death" (Moscow. coms. 2000. N 20); "You will have to overlook the jumps of your faithful in someone else's bed" (The client is always right. 1999. N 48).

Fourth, we note the tendency of authors of oral and written public speeches to mistakenly replace words that are simpler in morphemic composition with more complex words of the same root: incommensurable instead of immeasurable, flow instead of flow, grow instead of grow, buy instead of buy, regret instead of regret, participative instead of participial, recognize instead of learn, decorate instead of color, superfluous instead of superfluous, forever instead of forever, get instead of get, capital instead of main, pay instead of fee, justify instead of found, learn instead of learn, flinch instead of flinch, shake instead of shake, stand instead of become, context instead of text and many others (See: Golovina E. D. We learn from mistakes: A workshop on culture speeches. Kirov, 2003). Let's quote at least some central and regional periodicals in this regard: "And I can say for sure that in those years it was disproportionately easier to work" (AIF-Vyatka. 2000. N 50); "For six whole months the life of local snobs and musestets proceeded extremely boring" (Moscow. coms. 2000. N 35); " Rabbits live in colonies, and their way of life somewhat resembles that of a cat... That's why cats and rabbits are trained by ponies-

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mother of each other "(To all. 2000. N 10); "We will stand our ground until the end. But Yabloko has already shuddered" (NTV. G. A. Zyuganov); "Be careful, - the doctor is frightened, jumping away from the patient, - do not shake them (tarakanov. - E. G.)" (Vyatka medical newspaper. 1997. N 6).

Especially impressive are the cases when the preferred prefix formation is not only not identical to the non-prefixed one, but also directly opposite in meaning: disharmony - harmony, demobilize - mobilize, dismantle-assembly, invariant-variant, impotence-potency, etc. For example: "Many different invariants came to the thinking head" (Mosk. news. 1987. 25 Jan.); "Can I restore my lost impotence three years ago at the age of 74?" (Your health. 2001. N 13).

Often, the choice is made in favor of words that have a more "solid" suffix part, although they are not identical in meaning: bold instead of bold, friendly instead of friendly, civil instead of civil, personal instead of personal, addressee instead of address, ending instead of end, family instead of family, morbidity instead of disease, forester instead of forester, subject instead of theme, problematics instead of problem, recipe instead of recipe, factor instead of fact, go-karts instead of maps, tools instead of tools, character and personalities instead of person, etc. Some examples: "Well, at home on a pedal go-karting is not very fast" (Telesem. 2001. N 14); "Russian spiritual leaders of the XX century did not hesitate to name Bari Alibasov, Eduard Limonov, Boris Berezovsky and a dozen other personalities "(World in a week. 1999. No. 7);" We can name a number of individuals and institutions that are being investigated " (Novaya Gazeta. 2002. N 67); " Moscow meets all sorts of star characters (Mosk. coms. 2001. N 26).

To prevent the described speech errors, it helps to refer to explanatory dictionaries of the modern Russian literary language, as well as dictionaries of lexical difficulties, dictionaries of paronyms and synonyms.



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E. D. GOLOVINA, "MY FRIEND ARKADY, DON'T SPEAK BEAUTIFULLY..." About lexical errors in modern public speech // Астана: Цифровая библиотека Казахстана (BIBLIO.KZ). Дата обновления: 25.07.2024. URL: (дата обращения: 19.09.2024).

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