MIGRATION IN TAJIKISTAN: advantages and disadvantages
L. NIKOLAEVA (Dushanbe), Doctor of Philosophy Population migration is a social process that affects the foundations of human existence. It is associated not only with a change in a person's place of residence, but also with a change in their social status. Migrants often do not realize this fact, do not have an idea of the laws, customs, and traditions of the host country. The problem of migration remains relevant for all countries, including independent Tajikistan. The situation on the Tajik-Afghan border remains difficult, despite some aspects of its normalization. At present, the unauthorized crossing of the border by citizens of Afghanistan to the territory of Tajikistan continues. The problem of migration emerged in the Republic of Tajikistan (RT) in 1992, when state power collapsed and its social institutions collapsed as a result of the civil war. The former Soviet state structures practically ceased to exist, and the Tajik-Afghan border was opened, which led to mass border crossings in both directions. At this time, a significant number of foreign citizens appeared in Tajikistan, who arrived in the country on their own. If in 1992, during the civil war, there was a migration of the population from Tajikistan to Afghanistan and the number of refugees from Tajikistan was estimated in the hundreds of thousands, then in the last five years the situation has changed. In the post-war years, the state structures of Tajikistan, with the assistance of international organizations, did a lot of work on the return of Tajik refugees to their places of permanent residence and their adaptation in the republic. The activities of the "Commission for the Return of Tajik refugees to their homeland" at the end of the XX century actually repeated the activities of the "Central Commission of the Revolutionary Committee of the TASSR for assistance to re-emigrants, political emigrants and self-organized Basmachi", created on September 22, 1925.1 Its main task was to re-emigrate the ... Читать далее

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Полная версия: https://library.tj/m/articles/view/MIGRATION-IN-TAJIKISTAN-advantages-and-disadvantages
Қазақстан Желіде · 355 days ago 0 500
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Қазақстан Желіде
Астана, Kazakhstan
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MIGRATION IN TAJIKISTAN: advantages and disadvantages

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