20 октября 2012 г. востоковеды России будут отмечать юбилей не только крупнейшего историка-индолога, а человека, кому востоковедение обязано спасением в сложные 1990-е гг. -тогдашнего главного редактора журнала "Народы Азии и Африки"/"Восток", а ныне главн …
"Арабская политическая весна " - это революция образованной молодежи, руководство которой было перехвачено Западом и арабскими теократическими монархиями. Давно мечтая покончить с преобразованиями "эпохи Насера ", державы Запада и монархии Востока пытаются …
Автор: Б.М. БАБАДЖАНОВКазань: Академия наук РТ, 2009 (568 с.)
Рецензируемая книга наиболее полное на сегодняшний день и систематизированное исследование, посвященное истории уникального религиозного национального движения второй половины XIX - первой четве …
This life in old Russia flashed by like an exotic flower...
I. Y. Krachkovsky
Arabists of St. Petersburg University and the Russian Oriental Society celebrated in October 2010 the 200th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding Egyptian scholar - philolo …
Comp. L. B. Alaev, T. N. Zagorodnikova, Moscow: East. lit-ra, 2010. 470 p., ill.
This book is unusual and ... strange. It is not like the standard anniversary collections in honor of a particular scientist (including an Orientalist), which are now in fashi …
Худжанд: Нури маърифат. 2007. 104 p.
The book by the Tajik researcher L. E. Ismoilov examines the peculiarities of religious life in the 16th century. Transoxiana, a region of Central Asia located between the Amu Darya and Syr Darya, which covers most of U …
Imam Shamil Foundation, a foundation for supporting the Culture, Traditions and Languages of Dagestan. Makhachkala: IIAE DNC RAS, 2010, 155 p. (in Russian)
The reviewed book was published by the Institute of History, Archeology and Ethnography of the Dages …
On May 16, 2011, the section of Kurdish Studies and Regional Problems of the Center for Near and Middle Eastern Studies of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences held the second Lazarev Readings dedicated to the memory of the …
The transformation of the ethno-confessional structure of the population occurs under the influence of three factors: natural growth, determined by the ratio of birth rate and mortality, migration flows, and assimilation processes. Since assimilation usual …
January 22, 2012 marked the 80th anniversary of the chief researcher of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor V. N. Moskalenko, our good friend and colleague. Vladimir Nikolaevich was …
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