Libmonster ID: KZ-2672

On March 15, 2013, a well-known Russian Turkologist, Head of the Department of Turkic Philology of the Institute of Asian and African Countries of Moscow State University, Doctor of Philology, Honored Professor of Moscow State University, member of the Russian Committee of Turkologists Yuri Vladimirovich Shcheka died after a serious illness.

Yu. V. Shcheka was born on August 13, 1946 in Moscow in the family of an employee. From 1964 to 1970. He studied at the Institute of Oriental Languages at Moscow State University, where he received a degree in Oriental studies and Turkology. In August 1970, Yuri Vladimirovich was sent to work in Turkey as a translator in the office of the Economic Adviser of the USSR Embassy. Working in Turkey allowed him to turn to the research of a new scientific direction for domestic Turkology - the analysis of spoken speech. After returning to Moscow in 1976, he was accepted as an intern at the Department of Turkic Philology of the ISAA of Moscow State University, with which he connected all his subsequent creative scientific life and teaching activities. In November 1976, Y. V. Shcheka was enrolled in the graduate school of ISAA, in 1981 he defended his PhD thesis " Features of the syntax of Turkish colloquial speech (simple sentence)". Later, the dissertation was published as a monograph "Turkish Colloquial speech "(1989, 2nd ed. - 2010), which became a significant help for teaching spoken Turkish not only in ISAA, but also in many other Turkological centers. In 1990, Yu. V. Shcheka received his second postgraduate education, having graduated from the Physics Department of Moscow State University.

In 1993, he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic "Intonology of the Turkish language and problems of its general theoretical justification", which presents the original holistic author's concept of intonology of the Turkish language, based on a complex of comprehensive experimental studies, the results of which were processed using a complex physical and mathematical apparatus (this was undoubtedly helped by the second mathematical education of the author dissertations).

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In 1994, Yuri Vladimirovich received the title of Professor of the Department of Turkic Philology, and from 1996 to the present time he headed it. In 2005, Yu. V. Shcheka became an Honored Professor of Moscow State University.

Yu. V. Shcheka is widely known among Russian Turkologists as the greatest specialist in the modern Turkish language. He is the author of interesting scientific developments on the theoretical grammar of the Turkish language and popular textbooks and dictionaries of various types, which reflect his many years of experience and a unique method of teaching the Turkish language in ISL. In addition to Turkish lexicography and lexicology, Y. V. Shcheka's research interests were related to intonology and experimental phonetics of the Turkish language.

Another area of his research is focused on long-range reconstruction, which aims to reconstruct the early stages of the linguistic evolution of both the Turkic proto-language and the Altaic and Ural-Altaic proto-languages that preceded it on the basis of prosodic-rhythmic, as well as certain functional characteristics of modern Turkic speech. Based on his own reconstruction, he sought to revise the hypothesis of the initial monosyllabic nature of Turkic roots, which is widespread in Turkology, since the origin of roots in the Altai era and the roots in the proto-Turkic language are chronologically incomparable. The lack of direct sources of information about the development of languages in pre-written epochs does not doom the theory of language evolution to lack of evidence. According to Yu. V. Shcheka, it is only about the need to attract other types of evidence based on interdisciplinary research. In particular, we mean relying on the philosophy of language with the allocation of two principles: structural (modern language) and emotional-amorphous (the state of the prehistory of language), i.e. on history as a convolution of movement and, accordingly, synchrony as a convolution of diachrony. In accordance with this thesis, Yu.Modern structures of various levels and aspects (the classification of world languages, the system of forms of existence of national languages, the system of functional varieties of modern literary Turkic languages, their phonetic, grammatical, lexical systems, features of the formation of language ability in children, the law of socio-speech recapitulation, etc.) contain all the necessary information for a strictly evidence-based disclosure of language evolution Altai languages, their qualitative features and chronological framework of all its stages without exception.

He argued that the basis of the evolution of languages is the consistent formation of rhythmic levels of speech: syllabic, verbal, syntagmatic and, finally, rhythm at the sentence level. Another aspect is that the epochs of rhythm formation characterize the levels of proto-linguistic communities. Rhythmic formation of speech in the form of simultaneous mutual superposition of several (the first three listed above) rhythmic levels seems to him the only possible foundation for the formation of stable articulation of qualitatively defined speech sounds (phonemes), which is justified in the deep connection of speech rhythms and the mechanism of the origin of stable formant characteristics. At the same time, the epoch of formation of each rhythmic level is simultaneously the initial one in the chain of convolutions that indirectly lead to the corresponding tiers and categories of the modern language. In particular, the era of verbal rhythm is the initial foundation for the subsequent formation of word formation, and the era of syntagmatic rhythm is the formation of inflection in modern Turkic languages.

Yu. V. Shcheka showed interest in some general linguistic and philosophical aspects of language, the problem of language and speech, and the further development of methods of modern functional linguistics.

In total, Y. V. Shcheka has published more than 100 scientific and methodological works that are well known to the Turkological community, of which more than 30 have been published in the last 5 years. His research interests were not limited to the actual linguistic problems of Turkology and Altaistics (general issues of the theory of Turkic and Altaic languages, problems of their glottogenesis, etc.), but also go into the field of general linguistics, philosophy of language, as well as epistemology and methodology of scientific knowledge within the framework of interdisciplinary studies of the evolution of language and thinking. He published a large series of articles on these problems in various scientific publications and repeatedly reported on the results of his constructions at scientific forums, where his speeches always caused lively discussions.

In 2007, Y. V. Shcheka published "Practical Grammar of the Turkish Language", which was based on the course of theoretical grammar, which was taught by the author to students of the ISAA of Moscow State University for many years, the first work of this kind in the last 50 years after A. N. Kononov's" Grammar of the Modern Turkish Literary Language " (1956).

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Created by Yu. V. Shcheka "Intensive course of the Turkish language" (1st part-1996, 2nd part-2000; ispr. and reprint ed. - 2005) is a basic textbook not only in ISAL, but also in many educational institutions where the Turkish language is taught.

The dictionaries compiled by Yu. V. Shcheka became very famous and went through numerous editions (from 1997 to 2012, four editions of the Turkish-Russian Dictionary were published, and in 2004 the Russian-Turkish Dictionary was published). Equally well-known are the Turkish-Russian phrasebooks that Yu. V. Shcheka prepared for users of various specialties.

At ISAA, Y. V. Shcheka taught lecture courses included in the cycle of disciplines "Theory of the main Eastern language", among which should be mentioned "Theoretical Phonetics of the Turkish language", "Theoretical Grammar of the Turkish language"; he participated in the course " Introduction to the specialty (Turkology)", read special courses "Functional differentiation of the Turkish language", "Word formation in the Turkish language", "Intonology of the Turkish literary language", conducted a special seminar "Ottoman-Turkish language" , as well as special seminars for senior philologists "History of the development of Turkology in Turkey" (in Turkish), "Translation practice", etc., conducted practical classes in the Turkish language. Shcheka has compiled a number of programs on the Oriental studies disciplines of the department, on the basis of which the educational process is currently being carried out.

Thanks to the efforts of Yuri Vladimirovich, the practice of teaching other Turkic languages, primarily Turkmen and Uzbek, took root at the Department of Turkic Philology. Yuri Vladimirovich himself tirelessly studied the Turkic languages, which opened up wide opportunities for extrapolation in his scientific works.

Yu. V. Shcheka has been a member of the Dissertation Council on Linguistics at ISAL MSU and the Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences for many years. He was the permanent organizer of the annual "Dmitriev Readings" held by the Department of Turkic Philology (10 meetings were held), which invariably attract the attention of the general Turkological community, and was the editor of the collections "Questions of Turkic Philology", which publish the materials of these All-Russian readings.

Yuri Vladimirovich is widely known in Russia and abroad as a great connoisseur of the living Turkish language, a brilliant simultaneous translator who worked at the highest state level. It is no exaggeration to say that his knowledge of the Turkish literary language was envied even by native speakers themselves. The scientist was equally fluent in English, French,and German. Having unique linguistic abilities, Y. V. Shcheka easily translated from one foreign language to another.

Yuri Vladimirovich showed great interest in art, literature (reading it in the original language), music (at one time he even planned to enter the conservatory). He himself played the piano very well, masterfully performing the most technically and emotionally complex works.

His powerful intellect combined with elegant intelligent humor created a wonderful life-giving atmosphere at the department: during the 17 years when the department was headed by Yuri Vladimirovich, several candidate's and one doctoral dissertations were defended; in addition to Yu.V. Shcheki's own numerous works, scientific, methodological works and monographs of other employees of the department were regularly published. Yuri Vladimirovich found warm words for each of these works. Both members of the department and colleagues-Turkologists, communicating with Yuri Vladimirovich, always had the opportunity to feed on his inspired attitude to life and scientific creativity, love for their work, enthusiasm, passion.

The staff of the Department of Turkic Philology deeply feel this loss and express their condolences to the family and friends of Yuri Vladimirovich Shcheki.


Some structural and semantic features of predicative constructions with verbal repetitions in Turkish colloquial speech / / Soviet Turkology. 1979. № 4.

Lspektno-zkspressivnye transformatsii v turk'skoy kollegnoi rechi [Perspective-expressive transformations in Turkish colloquial speech]. 1982. № 3.

On the correlation of paired sentence terms and some types of predicative constructions in Turkish colloquial speech / / Soviet Turkology. 1983. № 6.

Propositions named and with a verb in zero expression in Turkish colloquial speech / / Soviet Turkology. 1983. № 3.

Shifting the meaning of categorical verb forms in Turkish colloquial speech / / Soviet Turkology. 1985. № 5.

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The phenomenon of shifting the meaning of categorical verb forms in Turkish colloquial speech / / Soviet Turkology. 1985. № 5.

Predicative constructions with full-valued fixed elements in Turkish colloquial speech / / Soviet Turkology. 1986. № 5.

The role of speech rhythm in the actual division of a Turkish colloquial phrase // Vestnik MSU. Ser. 13. Vostokovedenie [Oriental Studies]. 1987. № 4.

Elements of intonology of Turkish colloquial speech (high-pitched intoneme melody and actual phrase division) / / Soviet Turkology. 1987. № 4.

Communication of the text by the zero term and some types of asyndetic complex sentences in Turkish colloquial speech / / Soviet Turkology. 1988. № 2.

Accordion and tacteme as intonological units and their features in Turkish colloquial speech. 1989. № 5.

Turkish colloquial speech. Textbook for senior students, Moscow: ISAA MSU, 1989. 155 p.

Russian-Turkish phrasebook. Moscow: Vysshaya shkola Publ., 1992, 256 p.

Elements of the theory of syntactic communication and intonology in synchronic and diachronic illumination. 1992. № 5.

Intonology of the Turkish language and problems of its general theoretical justification. Lvtoref. diss. by D. philol. Moscow, 1993, 374 p. (in Russian)

Energy of language and linguophilosophy as general theoretical aspects of intonology (based on the study of Turkish intonation) / / Bulletin of the Silk Road. Questions of Turkic philology. Issue II. Moscow, 1993.

Hypothesis about possible stages of language evolution (based on the intonology of the Turkish language)//Questions of linguistics. 1994. № 1.

Hierarchy of proto-languages (some problems and concrete examples of analysis) / / 90 years of N. A. Baskakov. Collection of articles, Moscow, 1996.

Intensive Turkish language course. Textbook. Moscow: MSU Publishing House, 1996, 304 p.

Scheme-theses on the theory of reconstruction of the Turkic proto-language and stages of language evolution // Questions of Turkic philology. Materials of Dmitrievsky Readings, Issue III, Moscow, 1997.

Turkish-Russian dictionary, Moscow: Citadel, 1st ed., 1997; 2nd ed., 1999; 3rd ed., 2000. 256 p.

Principles of the evolution of grammatical indicators in the Turkic languages (on the example of the formant element-n -) / / Voprosy tyurkskoy filologii. Materials of Dmitrievsky Readings, Issue IV, Moscow, 1999.

Intensive course of the Turkish language, Part 2, Moscow: MSU Publishing House, 2000, 352 p.

Russian-Turkish phrasebook, Moscow: Tsitadel, 1st and 2nd ed., Moscow, 2000, 256 p.

Modern development of the Turkish language vocabulary/ / Ataturk ve Modern Turkiye (75. Yil yurt disi Ataturk konferanslan). Ankara, 2001.

Turkish-Russian dictionary. 4th ed. Moscow: Tsitadel Publ., 2002, 256 p.

Some results of working on the Russian-Turkish dictionary // Questions of Turkic philology. Materials of Dmitrievsky Readings, Issue V. M., 2003.

Critique of the absolutization of reason / / Moscow Writer. 2004. № 2.

Turkish form on DIGI / AcAgI and its functioning in the turnover of measure and degree // Vestnik MSU. Ser. 13. Vostokovedenie [Oriental Studies]. 2004. № 1.

Russko-turskiy slovar ' [Russian-Turkish dictionary], Moscow: Vostok-Zapad. 1st ed., 2004; 2nd ed., 2005.

Intensive course of the Turkish language, Moscow: Vostok-Zapad Publ., 2005.

The problem of parts of speech in the Turkic languages in the light of traditional, structural and functional approaches. Materials of Dmitrievsky Readings, Issue VI, Moscow, 2006.

Sovremennaya teoriya rechevoi kommunikatsii kak shag k istinu i kak obrazhenie [Modern theory of speech communication as a step towards truth and as an error]. Word. Text. Kul'tury [Culture], Moscow, 2006.

Turkish-Russian and Russian-Turkish dictionary, Moscow: Citadel-Trade; Veche, 2006, 912 p.

Psychologische, territorial und sprachliche Grundaspekte der altaishen Welt // Permanent Internationl Altaistic Conference, 2006.

Glottochronology and interdisciplinary character of diachrony (applied to Altaistic problems) / / Aspects of Altai linguistics (Materials of Tenishevsky readings 2007). Moscow: Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2007.

To the 100th anniversary of the birth of A. N. Kononov // Bulletin of Moscow State University. Episode 13. Oriental studies. 2007. № 1.

On the interdisciplinary theory of linguistic evolution and its place in synchronous linguistics. Materials of Dmitrievsky Readings, Issue VII, 2007.

"Swim" in Turkish: three notes on the collection "Verbs of movement in water" / / Questions of Turkic Philology. Materials of Dmitrievsky Readings, Issue VII, Moscow, 2007.

Practical grammar of the Turkish language, Moscow: Vostok-Zapad Publ., 2007.

The origin and essence of time // Moscow writer. 2007. № 1(10).

Intensive Turkish language course (textbook). 4th ed., supplement, with audio applications, Moscow: Vostok-Zapad Publ., 2008.

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Istoriya yazyka i synchronnaya lingvistika (ligvofilosofsky aspekt: k kritike osnov strukturalizma) [History of Language and Synchronous Linguistics (ligvofilosofsky aspekt: k kritike osnov strukturalizma)]. VI International Scientific Conference on Comparative Historical Linguistics, Moscow, January 29-31, 2008.

Polysemy i homonymiya v turetskom yazyke [Polysemy and homonymy in the Turkish language]. In memory of E. R. Tenishev, Moscow, 2008.

Turk ' yazyk i problemy ego izucheniya segodnya [Turkish language and problems of its study today].

Cevdet Pasha and the first Turkish grammar in Turkey // Questions of Turkic philology. Materials of Dmitrievsky Readings, Issue VIII, Moscow, 2009.

To comprehend the identity of the form and meaning of a linguistic sign // Comparative historical linguistics. Altaistics. Turkologiya, Moscow: Thesaurus Publ., 2009.

Babble of humanity // Questions of Turkic philology. Materials of Dmitrievsky Readings, Issue VIII, Moscow, 2009.

Turkish-Russian dictionary, Moscow: Vostok-Zapad Publ., 2009, 444 p.

Turkish Spoken Speech, Moscow: Vostochnaya kniga Publ., 2010, 144 p.

Istochnik yazykovykh izmeneniy i kritika lingvisticheskoi teorii emotsii [The source of linguistic changes and criticism of the linguistic theory of Emotions]. Proceedings of the VII International Scientific Conference on Comparative and Historical Linguistics, Moscow: KDU Publishing House, 2011.

Praaltai language and the origin of Past Tense and Negation Categories Issues of Turkic Philology. Materials of Dmitrievsky Readings, Issue IX, Moscow, 2011.

New Turkish-Russian Dictionary, Moscow: Vostochnaya kniga Publ., 2012, 592 p.

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