Libmonster ID: KZ-2896

L. Gidrometeoizdat. 1980. 163 s;

Moscow, Nauka Publ. 1981. 147 p.

Siberian sable Klondike, the" golden-boiling " fiefdom of the sovereign! Mangazeya, which lasted for a century (until 1672), was called differently, but always in superlative terms. During this period, the city experienced great fame due to its unheard-of wealth and wide popularity, and the bitterness of desolation and oblivion. And only in Soviet times, when scientists began a systematic study of the history of the Russian development of Siberia, serious works about Mangazeya appeared. Archaeologists began studying the history of Mangazeya only after the Great Patriotic War: Among the pioneers of the comprehensive study of Mangazeya, a prominent place belongs to the Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor M. I. Belov, who worked for many years at the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences, a prominent specialist in the history of development - by Russian explorers of the North, Siberia and the Far East. Studies of the history of Russian voyages to Siberia led him to the conclusion that a comprehensive comprehensive study of Mangazeya, through which the paths of many Russian explorers passed, was necessary. XVI-XVII centuries.

At the initiative and with the active participation of M. I. Belov, a series of expeditions was organized on the river. Pelvis to the place of Mangazeya remains. The results of excavations in the southern forest-tundra zone exceeded all expectations. The discovery of an ancient Russian city in the permafrost zone has attracted public attention around the world. A peer-reviewed two-volume monograph prepared by the USSR State Committee for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Control, Order of Lenin Arctic, has been published ... and the Antarctic Research Institute (AARI) of the USSR Academy of Sciences,

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Institute of Archeology of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Its authors, in addition to the late M. I. Belov, are candidates of Historical Sciences, researchers of the Leningrad Branch of the Institute of Archeology of the USSR Academy of Sciences O. V. Ovsyannikov and V. F. Starkov1 . This monograph is the first to give a generalized and in-depth description of one of the first and largest Russian urban settlements in the Arctic Circle. This became possible on the basis of a comprehensive study of archaeological and written sources. A variety of archival documents revealed during a continuous review of the archive collections of the Central State Academy of Sciences and the Archive of the USSR Academy of Sciences, as well as the collection of items of the Mangazey historical and geographical expedition of the AARI in 1968-1973, are widely used in the work.

As a result of archaeological excavations, the general contours of the Mangazey city (Kremlin and posad), more than 80 residential, commercial, commercial, administrative and defensive buildings were discovered. In total, a significant area of 15 thousand square meters was discovered and studied on the 3.1 - hectare settlement during four field seasons. Washouts of the coast during floods and landslides led to the death of a significant part of the ancient cultural layer (about 25-30% of the territory of the monument). And now the cultural layer only within the boundaries of housing complexes reaches two meters. In the history of scientific study of Siberia, this is the only example when excavations covered almost the entire inhabited territory of the ancient settlement.

The authors aimed to give a comprehensive description of the Mangazeya River and the Mangazeya sea course of the XVI-XVII centuries. In accordance with this goal, the first part of the work is mainly devoted to two issues: the history of the formation of the city from the fishing town of the XVI century Pomeranian industrialists to the foundation of the Mangazey ostrozhka-city by the Russians in 1601 and its transfer in 1672 to the Turukhansk winter quarters, as well as the peculiarities of navigation in the western (Mangazey) part of the Russian Arctic. The second part reveals the inner content of the city's life: the nature, composition, features of the formation and life of its population, the origin and development of Mangazey architecture, crafts, crafts, trade, money circulation, land transport vehicles, objects and tools of production, weapons, board games. In it, the authors tried to show the appearance of a Russian industrialist and explorer of the XVI-XVII centuries.

Archaeological material was one of the most important sources for studying the first city in the Siberian Arctic. On some significant issues, this source turned out to be the only one and quite reliable. As a result of the excavations, it was possible to uncover the most important structures of Mangazeya: the Kremlin, including certain sections of the walls and buildings inside it, as well as a significant part of the posad, where religious buildings, shopping complexes, residential buildings, handicraft complexes (melting, metalworking, woodworking, bone-cutting, carpentry, cooperage, shoemaking, harness, weaving, net knitting) were found. workshops). Numerous finds of wood, cloth, leather, glass, clay, stone and metal products are of great source value. Among them, there are many examples of household utensils, handicrafts, trade items, etc. In general, Mangazeya had the main features of a late feudal city with a characteristic social and economic differentiation.

The authors convincingly prove that the layout of residential buildings was based on a three-part building (klet - seni - klet), characteristic of North Russian Pomeranian cities. Stratigraphic observations made directly during archaeological research made it possible to identify and justify the relative chronology of construction horizons and construction stages in most of the excavations of the Kremlin and Posadskaya territory. The dendrochronology data fully confirmed the correctness of the Mangazei relative chronology and allowed us to construct a scale of absolute chronology for most construction sites, horizons, and even individual buildings. The authors successfully compared the results of archaeological excavations with the available data of written documents. Such mutual verification increases the value of the received material as a historical source.

Questions of spiritual culture can re --

1 The following authors also participated in the work (part II): A. S. Melnikova (GIM), who wrote Chapter 6, I. I. Baranova and G. N. Komlev (Museum of Ethnography of the Peoples of the USSR) - paragraph "Shoes and leather products" (in Chapter 5), E. V. Travina (AARI) - paragraph "Glass products "(in Chapter 5).

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It is less successful to focus on the entered material. Nevertheless, the presence of musical instruments, reports from sources about teaching music and singing speak volumes. The head of the horn, a three-stringed musical instrument used in Russia in the XI century and survived to the XIX century, has been found.

The discovered book clasps indicate that the voivodes had libraries. In this respect, it is noteworthy to find well-designed bindings with a beautiful embossed pattern. On one of them is an image of a woman with a lute, and next to her a deer. The embossed pattern is covered in gold. The most interesting artistic work of the Mangazei blacksmiths should be called the icon - plaque found in the excavation made of an alloy of bronze and silver in the form of a circle, inside which there were figures of the central image, on the sides - figures of lions. In another excavation, there was a large number of chess pieces. Two bone compasses and a metal dial of the third one were found on the Mangazen hillfort. One of the cases was stamped with a plant ornament - spreading branches with four very small birds sitting on them. In another drawing, there are two crossed lines ending in a crescent moon, with four fields of flowers in the center.

The collective monograph on Mangazey represents the first experience of a comprehensive fundamental study of the late feudal Russian "un-tilled" city in Siberia. As a result of S. V. Bakhrushin's conclusions in Soviet historiography, Mangazeya remained until recently a large trading post, a small prison, but not a late feudal city with developed trade, crafts, and crafts. And it is not by chance that the authors paid much attention to the formation of a permanent Russian population in the" unpowered " cities of Siberia of the XVII century. The monograph examines in detail the following categories of people who permanently lived in Mangazeya: Taz streltsy, Zhiletsky posadsky people, Zhiletsky tax-paying people-year-olds, tax-paying people-tax collectors and shows that" the influx of commercial, industrial and walking people played a major role in the formation of the population of Mangazeya " (part II, p.11). The permanent population of Mangazeya was 715-748 people. This proves that Mangazeya during its heyday was not inferior in terms of permanent population to the leading Siberian cities, and some even surpassed them.

The revealed material during its comprehensive study allowed the authors to note the multifunctionality of Mangazeya as a city. Here they differ from researchers who believe that the performance of only one function is inherent in the city. Their conclusions confirm the opinion of the multi-functioners2 .

Now it can be considered proven that the production of various handicrafts was established in Mangazey. All of them were made of wood and birch bark, except for oak barrels, kegs, baklags, cabbage spoons, as well as cookie molds, boxes without lids and with lids, and weaving shuttles. Bone-cutting, foundry, blacksmithing, shoemaking, harness-making, weaving, and net-knitting crafts also emerged and developed successfully here. Some of their products went to the market. Mangazeya received the missing items from other Siberian cities and from "Russia". Mangazeya has firmly entered the orbit of the emerging All-Russian market. At the same time, it had the strongest ties with Tobolsk and Pomeranian cities. It is important to emphasize that the authors of the monograph not only give a typological grouping of products and their detailed characteristics, but also the principles by which they refer them to imported or local items. They also showed the degree of marketability of various types of crafts.

It seems to us that the monograph convincingly substantiates the influence of North Russian house-building traditions. Based on the almost complete excavation of the inhabited territory of Mangazey posad, its authors came to the conclusion that in the process of development of the posad, a settlement plan emerged that was not violated for 50-60 years. Detection of wooden decking in the coastal strip

2 Vodarsky Ya. E. Cities and urban population of Russia in the XVII century. V kN.: The history of economy and population of Russia in the XVII century Essays on historical Geography of the 17th century, Moscow, 1974. Population of Russia in the late XVII-early XVIII centuries M. 1977; Karlov V. V. On the factors of economic and political development of the Russian city in the Middle Ages. (To pose the question.). In: Russkiy Gorod (Russian City). Istoriko - metodologicheskiy sbornik [Historical and methodological collection], Moscow, 1976; Vilkov O. N. Sibirskiy gorod kontsa XVI-pervoi chetverti XVIII V. v sovremennoi russkoy sovetskoy historiografii. In: Historiography of Siberian cities of the late XVI-early XX centuries. Novosibirsk. 1984.

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one of the main paved streets of Mangazeya indicates a clear layout of the city, allows you to trace the location of parallel street highways.

Mangazeya has remained in the annals of Siberian history as an extremely valuable experience in creating the first urban settlement of regular development in the permafrost zone. The experience of building an Old Mangazeya was used in the construction of a New Mangazeya on the Turukhan River, and the city of Zashiversk on the Indigirka River. Mangazeytsy participated in the founding of Yakutsk. In the campaign of S. Dezhnev, some of them were companions of the famous explorer.

The history of Mangazeya is not only the history of the development of the vast expanses of the North of our country, but also an important stage in mastering the Northern Sea Route. The monograph explains the stages of development of Mangazey shipping, the nature, design features and carrying capacity of sea vessels of the XVI-XVII centuries. According to written sources, 60 expeditions followed in 1600-1670 from Tobolsk-Berezov to Mangazeya (Parts I, c, 118-121, Table 7).

Six graphic drawings of ship parts made with cutting tools on ten pine ship boards have been preserved. Several hundred ship parts for various purposes (up to 300 boards from kochi) were found in the excavations. The books are richly illustrated with drawings, plans of all 24 excavations, reconstructions of the towers and walls of the fortress and two religious buildings-the Cathedral Church of the Trinity and the Church of the Assumption.

There are also some omissions in the monograph. It seems to us that in the absence of landowners ' land ownership, serfdom, and the existence of "state feudalism" in Siberia, it is hardly possible to relate the state voivodeship in Mangazey "to the general concept of a feudal estate-patrimony" (part I, pp. 40-41). The authors have no grounds for this. After all, the voivode himself lived in the state, and not in his own yard, he was not the owner of the Mangazey land, the Mangazey inhabitants were not his serfs, and he himself was only a replaceable official of the Moscow tsar. The voivodeship court is not a "feudal estate-patrimony", but only the residence of the voivode, the administrative agent of the tsar. The authors of the monograph also did not avoid repetitions. This is partly due to the fact that the first and second parts deal with the same subjects, although from different angles.

There are also omissions of literature. Major research by P. N. Pavlov was omitted, as well as work on the reconstruction of the legendary city of N. P. Kradin3. The appendix should contain a bibliography, which would probably eliminate some inaccuracies made in the text of the book when mentioning the works used. Unfortunately, there are some typos in the book (part I, pages 5, 122, 127; Part II, pages 37, 41, 54, 67, 82, etc.).

In general, a fundamental study was carried out, and the general result of research on the late feudal Russian - Polar city of regular layout was summed up. - The new work, as well as the works on Zashiversk and Yuil prison 4, will provide considerable help in the comprehensive study of the late feudal Siberian city.

3 Pavlov P. N. Fur trade of Siberia in the 17th century Krasnoyarsk. 1972; same name. Commercial colonization of Siberia in the 17th century Krasnoyarsk. 1974; Kradin N. P. K vo: prosu o rekonstruktsii goroda Mangazei [Questions about the reconstruction of the city of Mangazei]. In: Cities of Siberia. The era of feudalism and capitalism. Novosibirsk. 1978.

4 Okladnikov A. P., Gogolev Z. V., Ashchepkov E. A. Drevny Zashiversk. Drevnerussky zapolyarny gorod, Moscow, 1977; Balandin S. N., Vilkov O. N. Yuilsky gorodok na r. Kazyma. In: History of Siberian cities of the pre-Soviet period. Novosibirsk. 1977; Kradin N. P. On the foundation of the Kazym (Yuil) prison. In: Open-air Historical and Architectural Museum. Principles and methods of organization Novosibirsk. 1980; Komin G. E. Dendrochronology of the Kazym town. - Ibid.; Molodin V. I. Archaeological exploration on the Kazym River, - Ibid.

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O. N. VILKOV, Yu. V. KURSKOV, M. I. BELOV, O. V. OVSYANNIKOV, V. F. STARKOV. Mangazeya. M. I. BELOV, O. V. OVSYANNIKOV, and V. F. STARKOV, the Man-Gazey Sea Passage. Mangazeya. Material culture of Russian polar navigators and explorers of the XVI-XVII centuries. Part II // Astana: Digital Library of Kazakhstan (BIBLIO.KZ). Updated: 25.01.2025. URL: (date of access: 13.02.2025).

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M. I. BELOV, O. V. OVSYANNIKOV, V. F. STARKOV. Mangazeya. M. I. BELOV, O. V. OVSYANNIKOV, and V. F. STARKOV, the Man-Gazey Sea Passage. Mangazeya. Material culture of Russian polar navigators and explorers of the XVI-XVII centuries. Part II

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