Kiriyak Andreevich Kondratovich (1703-1788)
Russian philology of the XVIII century is a hidden layer of Russian science. And although it is generally accepted that the main directions in literature, concepts and ideology were formed later, in the XIX century, much was scattered bit by bit and, alas, irretrievably lost in that distant classical century. But even from the fragmentary writings of the founders of Russian science, the forerunners of its glorious traditions, one can imagine how full of ideas and projects and obsessed the activities of the now almost unknown enlightenment scientists of that time were, how broad and sometimes immense their plans were. Many of them remained unrealized and disappeared in later research, but behind them was a hundred- page 54 yala is a truly titanic work of the discoverers and collectors of Russian antiquities. In history, there is a place for big, great names of the past, such as Lomonosov, Trediakovsky, Barsov, etc., who really carried out each in its own way a revolution in many branches of knowledge. Behind their shadow are sometimes invisible people whose work in the field of experimental literature was, perhaps, not so significant and conceptually, did not have a single "strategic" line-again, either because of character traits and individual abilities, or because of the eternal "fortune" and such a domestic "plot", as a lack of funds. It must be confessed that many scientists of the past (among them quite a few philologists) - people of low affluence-ended their lives in poverty, never being able to rise to the podium and enter the cohort of textbook names. The above can be fully attributed to the forgotten translator and poet, philologist and fiction writer, teacher and court philosopher of the 1700s Kiriyak Andreevich Kondratovich, who nevertheless, despite all the contradictions and vicissitudes of fate and the notorious "evaluation" factor, was called "one of the most industrious translators" of his time (Semenov V. P. Materials for the history of Russian lit ... Читать далее

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Қазақстан Желіде
Астана, Казахстан
01.08.2024 (43 дней(я) назад)
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Kiriyak Andreevich Kondratovich (1703-1788)

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