Ukraine and Slovakia in Integrated Europe Yuri RYLACH, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine in the Slovak Republic * * * Viewed with unbiased eye, the contemporary history of bilateral Ukrainian-Slovak relations is not very long since the peoples of both countries have gained independence comparatively recently, thus realizing the dreams of Taras Shevchenko and L'udovit Stur, their national prophets. Such a common paradigm makes for the content of our present relations, which most characteristic features is, evidently, the fact that in similarity to the more distant times they were never marred by the existence of the dark past, territorial claims or other serious problems. Close historical, cultural, language and ethnic affinity, very much like internal problems and flow of transformation, as well as intrinsically common foreign policy goals and tasks have become the foundation to set on the onward march of the Ukrainian-Slovak relations. Ukraine was among the first to officially recognize independent Slovakia, which happened on January 1, 1993, the first day the Republic was created. Within the half of a year, the Agreement of Good Neighborhood, Friendly Relations and Cooperation had been signed, and it is these characteristics that are the most distinguishing features of the present-day Ukrainian-Slovak relations. The legal and contractual basis that Ukraine and Slovak Republic share numbers over стр. 30 a hundred documents. It has been worked out during the recent decade and is the proof of mutual interest in the relations. As of today, properly speaking, all the necessary preconditions have been created to launch our cooperation to the level appropriate for two good neighbors. This work is still going on today with close to a dozen of agreements and treaties being at the preparatory stage. Of course, not everything and not always was cloudless in our relations. At some stages, problems of internal transformation, external factors as ... Читать далее

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