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By Viktor Andriychuk Doctor of Economy, Prof., Head of the Department of International Economy * * * Global transformations (as a reality and strategic perspective), intensification of general integration factors are becoming are becoming the key trend in
Қазақстан Желіде · 1029 days ago 0 1415

Address of Kostiantyn Hryshchenko, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine during the parliamentary hearings * * * "Foreign policy of Ukraine as an instrument of ensuring national interests of the state: achievements, real
Қазақстан Желіде · 1029 days ago 0 1375

    Статья анализирует предположение В. А. Амбарцумяна, образование галактик из сверхплотного вещества, которое является ядром галактики. Если галактика образуется из сверхплотного вещества, то можно предположить, что ядро образуется из связанного состояни
Қазақстан Желіде · 1029 days ago 0 939

Olexandr Honcharenko, CISSS President, Prof. * * * Regional security challenges together with the international terrorism today are the major threats to European and transatlantic security. The strategic question of XXI century is whether the liberal democ
Қазақстан Желіде · 1029 days ago 0 1226

There are two basic geo-economic and geopolitical tendencies in the world now. The first one is related to the world globalization, which transform national economies making them to enter the uniform global political and economic system, the so-called One
Қазақстан Желіде · 1029 days ago 0 1218

Interview with Mr. Guy Ouellet, UNHCR Representative in Ukraine * * * In 2001 Ukraine approved The Law on Refugees. What are the strong and week sides of this document? "For the first time, the 2001 Law stipulates that family members of recognized refugees
Қазақстан Желіде · 1029 days ago 0 1335

Olesia Avramenko, Candidate of Art Criticism, Senior Re-searcher at the Institute of Art Criticism, Folklore and Ethnography of the NAS of Ukraine * * * The multimedia project of Victor Sydorenko at the 50th Venetian Biennial in 2003 as the demonstration o
Қазақстан Желіде · 1029 days ago 0 1380

Victor BUDKIN, Doctor of Economy, Prof., Honored Worker of Science and Engineering of Ukraine, Chief Research Fellow of the Institute of the global economy and international relations of the NAS of Ukraine * * * 2003 will go down into history of cooperatio
Қазақстан Желіде · 1029 days ago 0 1430

Ukraine and Slovakia in Integrated Europe Yuri RYLACH, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine in the Slovak Republic * * * Viewed with unbiased eye, the contemporary history of bilateral Ukrainian-Slovak relations is not very long since th
Қазақстан Желіде · 1029 days ago 0 1440

В 1960-х годах началось создание новых артиллерийских дивизий. Их состав не был одинаковым и включал в себя как бригады, так и полки или базы хранения. Большинство дивизий имели 5 полков (или бригад): гаубичный полк, тяжёлый гаубичный, пушечный, противотан
Қазақстан Желіде · 1029 days ago 0 1394
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