Yeltsin to sign many documents during Swedish visit
A sizeable package of documents, providing for boosting Russian-Swedish cooperation in various spheres, will be signed during the state visit by Russian President Boris Yeltsin to Sweden on December 2-4. The press centre of the Swedish Foreign Ministry described reporters important events to be held during the visit. On the first day of his stay in Sweden, the Russian leader will pay a visit to King Karl XVI Gustaf at the Royal Palace in Stockholm where the Swedish monarch will give a luncheon in honour of the high Russian guest. Later in the day, Yeltsin will hold talks with Swedish Prime Minister Goran Persson. The sides will discuss stability in the Baltic region and on the European continent as a whole, taking into account the latest Russian initiatives on strengthening security in the Baltic Sea region, put forth by the Russian president late last October. The signing of Russian-Swedish agreements will take place at the Stockholm townhall in the afternoon. On Wednesday, December 3, the president will pay a visit to the Swedish parliament where he will deliver a speech to legislators. The programme for December 4, Thursday, provides for Yeltsin's meeting with prominent members of the Swedish business community and a wreath-laying ceremony at the grave of prominent Swedish statesman and politician Olaf Palme. Reporters were told at a news conference in the press centre that during a luncheon in honour of Yeltsin and his wife, which will be given on behalf of the Swedish premier, the Russian president and his wife will meet, among other V.I.P.s, world-famous Swedish authoress Astrid Lindgren who turned 90 recently and whose works are very popular in Russia. The Russian president will be accompanied by a large group of Russian politicians and cabinet members, including first vice-premier Boris Nemtsov who will also go to Goeteborg, the second largest city of Sweden, where he will visit the headquarters of the Swedish Volvo motor company and will meet repres ... Read more

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Қазақстан Желіде
Астана, Казахстан
20.09.2017 (2566 дней(я) назад)
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Yeltsin to sign many documents during Swedish visit

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