Sweden calls for settling Kosovo conflict by dialogue
The Swedish government is concerned about the aggravation of the situation in Kosovo, Foreign Minister Lena Hejm-Wallen said. Speaking at a parliament session on Wednesday, Hejm-Wallen called for the peaceful settlement of the conflict and opposed the use of force against Kosovo. The minister said that all sides should give up actions which will escalate violence in the region. Belgrade's authorities believe that the settlement of the situation in Kosovo is Yugoslavia's internal matter. Turkey has called for settling the Kosovo crisis without foreign interference, Foreign Ministry spokesman Nejati Utkan said. Utkan said Ankara opposed the use of force against Kosovo and called for preserving its territorial integrity and beginning a dialogue to ease tension in the region. For his part, the parliament speaker noted that Turkey is prepared to support any initiatives aimed at facilitating the peaceful settlement of the conflict. The United States also expressed hope for the diplomatic settlement of the situation in Kosovo. U.S. presidential special envoy to the former Yugoslavia Robert Gelbard voiced deep concern about the events in the region. After his meetings with Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic and leader of Kosovo's Albanians Ibrahim Rugova, the U.S. president's envoy hoped for the peaceful settlement of the crisis. Earlier today, the Council of Europe's Committee of Ministers has condemned escalation of violence in Kosovo. In a statement made by the German permanent representative to the Committee, he said that the CE denounced Yugoslav law enforcement agencies's repressions and Kosovo extremists' terrorist acts. The Committee called for immediate termination of violence and for complete and unconditional respect of human rights and fundamental freedoms. The conflicting sides should begin dialogue to ease tension in the region. The Committee backed the initiatives put forth by the international community, primarily by Southeastern countries, th ... Read more

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Полная версия: http://library.se/m/articles/view/Sweden-calls-for-settling-Kosovo-conflict-by-dialogue
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Қазақстан Желіде
Астана, Казахстан
20.09.2017 (2593 дней(я) назад)
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Sweden calls for settling Kosovo conflict by dialogue

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