There are two basic geo-economic and geopolitical tendencies in the world now. The first one is related to the world globalization, which transform national economies making them to enter the uniform global political and economic system, the so-called One World. The second tendency is related to regional integration intended to create an autarky of Large Space.
Both tendencies exist as a result of financial, economical and political interests of certain global forces. The globalization is directly related to the interests of international, extranational oligarchic clans controlling TNCs and using the U. S. A. as their basic strategic instrument. A transnational oligarchy determines globalization. The Autarky of Large Space corresponds with the needs of national economies-regional leaders and medium and small national economies securing their financial-economic and political self-sufficiency.
Globalization is based on the liberal division
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of labor among different nations, which must guarantee a free exchange of commodities, resources, technologies etc. But in practice conceptions of liberalism clash with economic reality-the "inequality of structures", when the most developed economies or enormous TNCs benefit the most.
The international division of labor as the basis of globalization leads to formation of economies with a few or even only one types of production. Thus, many states become the provinces of world economy and get in total dependence on predominant power forces controlling global market.
The liberal economic model under conditions of real globalization leads to formation of a single dominating force maximally profiteering from the international division of labor and involving all states and peoples of Earth into the sphere of its economic, and therefore political influence. Under such conditions the global liberal principle of "free exchange " (secured by the WTO) not only preserves economic inequality but also deepens and makes it absolu ...
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