Libmonster ID: KZ-2405
Author(s) of the publication: Steven Mc Carry


Kazakhstan, as a country with a developing economy, attracts the attention of not only investors but also gambling operators. The regulation of casinos in Kazakhstan has its unique features and aims to balance the economic benefits with the social risks associated with gambling. This article explores the key legislative acts and regulations governing casino activities in Kazakhstan and recent changes in this field.

Legislative Framework

The legal regulation of casinos in Kazakhstan is based on several key legislative acts, with the primary ones being:

  1. The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Gambling Business" No. 219-III dated January 12, 2007. This law outlines the legal foundations for organizing and conducting gambling activities, sets requirements for gambling establishments, and oversees their operations.
  2. The Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan. It regulates general issues related to business activities, including contract formation and obligations of the parties involved.
  3. The Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Administrative Offenses. It stipulates the responsibility for violating regulations governing the gambling business.

Key Provisions of the Law "On Gambling Business"

The Law "On Gambling Business" includes the following key provisions:

  1. Location of Casinos. According to the law, casino operations are only permitted in designated zones. In Kazakhstan, there are two such zones: in the Almaty region (Kapshagai) and in the Akmola region (Shchuchinsk-Burabay resort zone). Some casinos operate exclusively online. For example, Monro Casino etc.
  2. Licensing. Opening and operating a casino requires obtaining a license. The license is issued by an authorized body and has strict requirements for owners and managers of casinos, including financial stability and a clean criminal record.
  3. Control and Supervision. State control bodies regularly inspect casino activities to ensure compliance with the law, financial reporting, and adherence to anti-money laundering requirements.
  4. Liability. Significant fines and other administrative measures, up to license revocation and establishment closure, are imposed for violating gambling regulations.

Changes in Legislation

In recent years, Kazakhstan has seen trends towards strengthening control over the gambling business. The main changes include:

  1. Tightening Licensing Requirements. Stricter criteria for obtaining a license have been introduced, including an increase in the minimum authorized capital and enhanced control over financial reporting.
  2. Combating Illegal Gambling. Measures to identify and suppress illegal casinos and gambling halls have been intensified. Harsher penalties are imposed on individuals engaged in illegal gambling activities.
  3. Social Responsibility. Regulations aimed at protecting players' interests have been introduced, including a ban on casino visits by minors and individuals listed as having gambling problems.


The legal regulation of casinos in Kazakhstan continues to evolve, aimed at ensuring transparency and legality in the operations of gambling establishments and protecting citizens' interests. The introduction of strict regulations and constant state control helps minimize the negative social consequences of gambling while promoting the development of the legal gambling business in the country.


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