THE KHUBSUGUL UPRISING OF 1932 IN MONGOLIA* A brief reconstruction of the armed uprising of 1932, the largest in Mongolia in the XX century, is given. It was caused not by the activities of the Panchen Lama IX and Japan, but by the "left course" pursued and then canceled by the leadership of the MPRP on the instructions of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU(b) and the Comintern. This uprising can be considered a civil war. Keywords: 1932 uprising, Khubsugul uprising, civil war, Mongolia, Buddhism, communism, Panchen Lama IX. There were many dramatic events in the history of Mongolia in the 20th century. One of them is the armed uprising of 1932. There are several reports on it, mainly from the archive of the former Ministry of Internal Affairs of the MNR [Tserenbalzhir, 1990; Ganbold, 2000; Luvsan-Ochir, 2003; Gadaadaas turkhirsan..., 2013]. However, the available descriptions are rather fragmentary, and a number of important materials in other archives have not yet been studied. The use of these documents, along with those published earlier, is important for reconstructing this conflict and revealing its essence: was it inspired from abroad by a rebellion of high lamas and former feudal lords, or a popular uprising? "LEFT COURSE" IN THE MPR By 1928, the leadership of the CPSU (b) and the Executive Committee of the Comintern (ECCI) had strengthened their line of struggle against the "right-wing danger" in the MNR. This is reflected in the directives for the MPRP aimed at bringing the "left" to power [RGASPI, f. 495, op. 152, d. 59, l. 1-2; d. 62, l. 3-9, f. 17, op. 3; d. 673, l. 3]. To participate in the At the seventh Congress of the MPRP, a Comintern delegation headed by B. Schmeral arrived in Ulaanbaatar. Under her leadership, a platform of the "Khudon opposition" was developed with a number of radical provisions for combating the right, high lamas and former feudal lords, using their income for the poor, eliminating exploitation, etc. [ibid., f. ... Читать далее

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Қазақстан Желіде · 48 days ago 0 63
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Қазақстан Желіде
Астана, Kazakhstan
29.11.2024 (48 days ago)
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