The article is devoted to the efforts of the state leadership of post-Soviet Kazakhstan to overcome the economic crisis due to the collapse of the unified economic complex of the USSR and put it on the track of sustainable growth and modernization. The article reveals the reasons why the path of industrialization and diversification of the economy based on a new technological base turned out to be the only acceptable one for ensuring not only its growth, but also the state integrity of the country. The main objectives of the first two state accelerated development programs are considered: the first five-year plan for 2010-2014, which focused on industrial diversification, and the second - for 2015-2019, in which the main task was the implementation of large infrastructure projects. Keywords: enclave, diversification, industrialization, innovation, modernization, economic growth, oil industry, transition economy, strategy, transport infrastructure. Kazakhstan is currently the only country in the CIS where the slogan of forced modernization is placed by its leadership at the forefront of not only long-term (until 2050), but also current economic policy. Although until recently, at the turn of the 1990s-2000s and in the first years of the new century, the very possibility of such a choice was greatly questioned. There were many reasons for this. By the end of Soviet rule, Kazakhstan occupied an intermediate position in terms of industrialization between Russia and (by the then name) the Central Asian republics, although somewhat closer to them. Large enclaves of mining and metallurgy, oil production and processing, and commercial grain farming were created in it. But the industry was only partially equipped with modern technologies, which by the end of the Soviet state's existence were already very outdated. The entire economy was divided into three sectors, each of which was located in its own circle of administrative distribution system: federal, republican, and loca ... Читать далее

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Полная версия: https://library.tj/m/articles/view/KAZAKHSTAN-FORCED-MODERNIZATION-IN-ACTION
Қазақстан Желіде · 46 дней(я) назад 0 59
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Қазақстан Желіде
Астана, Казахстан
29.11.2024 (46 дней(я) назад)
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