Author: A. P. Derevyanko, V. I. Molodin, M. V. Shunkov
Vitaly Yegorovich Medvedev, a well - known archaeologist in Russia and abroad, researcher of North Asia and the Far East, organizer and participant of numerous scientific expeditions and projects, including international ones, Doctor of Historical Sciences, chief researcher, head of the Neolithic Research Sector of the Institute of Neolithic Studies of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, has turned 70.
V. E. Medvedev was born on November 1, 1941 in the Novosibirsk region. His parents, the same age as the twentieth century, experienced all the tragedies and triumphs of the past century. His father, Yegor Afanasyevich, participated in the Civil War, served in the People's Revolutionary Army of the Far Eastern Republic in Transbaikalia and Mongolia. In 1941, three months before the birth of Vitaly, he went to the front, soon found himself surrounded, captured, escaped and fought as a Red Army soldier until the end of the war. The mother, Tatyana Antonovna, had to raise five children alone for a long time, working together with adults from an early age.
Vitaly's dream of archeology was born in elementary school, but it was not immediately realized. After graduating from the Toguchinsky Forestry Technical School, he worked for three years as a taxi driver's assistant at the West Siberian Aerial Forestry Enterprise in Novosibirsk.
In 1963, V. E. Medvedev entered the Faculty of History and Philology of Tomsk State University, and in 1964 he was enrolled in the second year of the Faculty of Humanities of Novosibirsk State University. V. I. Matyushchenko and E. M. Bers, a well-known expert in the archaeology of the Urals and Siberia, were among his first mentors, and he completed field archaeological practice after his first and second years in the Ob region and Altai. In 1966, A. P. Derevyanko invited V. E. Medvedev to join the Far Eastern Archaeological Expedition of the ...
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