Academician E. M. SHUKOV. The Main Results and Objectives of Historical Research in the Light of the 25th CPSU Congress Decisions. Guided by the decisions of the 25th Congress of the CPSU, the author examines the tasks of Soviet historians in creating theoretical works demonstrating the operation of the laws of social development and bringing out the objective historical laws operating within the framework of definite socio-economic formations; in carrying out comprehensive specific investigations devoted to the various historical periods in the development of Russia, the Soviet Union and other countries, in preparing for publication new textbooks and works on popular science. The author highlights the achievements made by Soviet historical science during the Ninth Five-Year-Plan period and outlines the prospects of its further development. S. V. POPOV. Working Youth in the Social Structure of Developed Socialist Society Drawing on the materials furnished by the general census of the population of the U.S.S.R. taken in 1959 and 1970, as well as on other statistical sources, the author makes an attempt to determine the role of working youth in the social structure of developed socialist society and to show the increasing contribution made by young workers to the development of social production in the conditions of the scientific and technological revolution. Analyzing the sectoral and professional structure of young workers, the author comes to the conclusion that working youth is concentrated primarily in those branches and professional groups which are characterized by the highest rate of technological progress. V. D. NAZAROV, V. T. PASHUTO, Academician L. V. CHEREPNIN. Problems of Feudal Russia's Socio-Political History as Reflected in Contemporary Historiography The article reviews a number of research works devoted to the key problems of feudal Russia's socio-economic development and political history, which appeared between 1970 and 1975. The authors high ... Read more

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Қазақстан Желіде
Астана, Казахстан
05.08.2017 (2637 дней(я) назад)
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