By Viktor SIDORENKO, RAS Corresponding Member, adviser to director, Russian Research Center "Kurchatov Institute";
Alexander ZHURBENKO, deputy department head, Institute of Nuclear Reactors, Russian Research Center "Kurchatov Institute"
At the end of 2006 Bulgaria's National Electric Company announced the results of the competition for the "Belene" nuclear project: the Russian R&D Association "Atomstroiexport" (that puts up nuclear facilities abroad) won the right to build an atomic power station in Bulgaria. As many as 200 experts of eight countries had spent 17 months studying the blueprints with the aid of the latest methods of all-out evaluation, and using a specialized program for assessing the possible risk factors according to the criteria elaborated by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
The "Belene" nuclear station slated for construction in Bulgaria will have two 1,000 MW power-generating units; the design and specifications were a concerted effort of the Moscow-based "Atomenergoproyekt" Institute, of the "Gidropress" Design Office at Podolsk near Moscow, and of our "Kurchatov Institute", too. The "Atomstroiexport" Association enlists the services of its regular partners, the leaders of
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Diagram of the "Belene" nuclear project.
Russia's nuclear power engineering, such as the Company "Izhorskye zavody" ("Plants of Izhory" at St. Petersburg), and the machine-building plant of Podolsk ("ZiO-Podolsk). Bulgaria will handle about 30 percent of the job.
Our experts have attached particular attention to safety. This is a multifactorial indicator depending on the available level of know-how, technology and equipment, and expertise.
Any "revolutionary ideas" in such matters should be well-considered and foolproof. Rigorous safety standards are naturally a must-the system of such standards draws upon the experience amassed worldwide in nuclear engineering and condensed in docu ...
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