by Yevgeny SUVOROV, Dr. Sc. (Phys. & Math.), Director of the Plasma Physics and High-Power Electronics Division, RAS Institute of Applied Physics (IAP), IAP Deputy Director for Research The Institute of Applied Physics (IAP) of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) is one of the world's largest laboratories involved with high-power sources of microwave radiation for practical uses in radiolocation (radar), plasma and nuclear physics, and in the industrial technologies for the production of new materials. IAP is also concerned with ways of reception and evaluation of microwave radiation for remote diagnostics of the atmosphere, radioastronomical experiments and the like. The IAP Plasma Physics and High-Power Electronics Division is the focal center of this work. VACUUM RF ELECTRONICS One dominant area of this work involves gyroresonance setups (superhigh-power generators of electromagnetic radiation on the millimeter and submillimeter wave-bands), now known widely by the name of cyclotron resonance masers (CRM)*. These use the * Masers-quantum generators and RF amplifiers; cyelotron resonance-selective absorption (or emission) of electromagnetic energy by charge carriers within a magnetic field at frequencies equal to or multiple of cyclotron frequency, when a dramatic increase in electrical conductance is observed. - Ed. стр. 38 A diagram demonstrating how a complex mode generated in the megawatt gyrotron resonator (bottom right) gives rise to a quality quasioptical wave beam (top right) by means of a system of profiled mirrors. induced radiation of electrons spinning in a static magnetic field. In contrast to other sources of microwave RF radiation, CRM have an electron flow interacting with a high-frequency field in electrodynamic systems, their characteristic dimensions being high above the generated wavelength. A unique possibility of mode* selection allows to realize high-perfo ... Read more

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Қазақстан Желіде · 2336 days ago 0 1911
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Қазақстан Желіде
Астана, Kazakhstan
26.09.2018 (2336 days ago)
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