In the spring of 2015, the House of Russian Abroad hosted a presentation of a book with the intriguing title "In Search of the Lost East by Yu. N. Zavadovsky: an Essay on Life and Creativity; an autobiographical novel "(Moscow, Vikmo-M Publishing House, 2014, 512 p.). The book has several authors, but the main author and protagonist is Yuri Nikolaevich Zavadovsky (1909-1979), a well - known orientalist, professor, who devoted the last 25 years of his bright and rich life to Russian science. Among the authors of the book are relatives, friends, junior colleagues and students of the outstanding scientist.
The book consists of several parts, which differ both in content and genre. "Essay on life and creativity" under the title " The Life line of Yuri Zavadovsky "(pp. 9-244) was compiled by co-authors: S. Y. Zavadovskaya, the eldest daughter of the scientist, and E. B. Smagina, an Oriental historian, a student and colleague of Yuri Nikolaevich. This
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the section is an important component of the entire book, it sets the reader up for a certain perception of the life path and scientific search that led the future Orientalist through the turbulent events of the XX century. In this essay, the "connection of times" is traced with particular clarity, which was not interrupted between generations of the scientist's ancestors and descendants. The story covers the pedigree of the main character's large and extensive family: his emigration from Russia in the 1920s, the historical events in which he participated-the Second World War, the Resistance Movement in occupied France, and the difficult path of returning to his native land.
The surviving documents and traditions of the family allowed its younger generation to trace the history of the family of Yu. N. Zavadovsky in time and space - from the depths of the distant XVII century.and across the borders of Russia and Europe. Delving deeper into the maze of these kinship ties, the reader meets well-known statesmen, scienti ...
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