by Svetlana FILCHAKOVA, Cand. Sc. (Tech.), Moscow State University of Applied Biotechnology Kefir fungi and foodstuffs produced on their basis have high bactericidal effect, maintain normal physiological conditions of people, provide ferments essential for stable work of digestive tract, and act as protective factors of the body. During the whole history of mankind the food problem has been one of the most important. Having analyzed cultural traditions, religious norms and canons of food hygiene one can understand: man's health depends not only on hereditary characteristics, his physical activity, spiritual harmony, and well-being but also on the quality and quantity of the food he eats. At all times the quantity and structure of products consumed by a person was determined by his social status. For a long time specialists believed that rational nutrition is a balance of the incoming and consumed energy, satisfaction of body requirements in the necessary quantity of organic and inorganic compounds, observance of a food consumption schedule. That is why today many researchers discuss at different levels the problems of rational and optimal (healthy) nutrition. State policy principles have been developed in our country assuming that food products must solve preventive and healing tasks as well as satisfy need of people in necessary substances and energy. Sour-milk products and kefir first of all meet the aforesaid requirements. This is determined by its nutritional qualities and revitalizing action. This product received its name, kefir, from the Turkish word "kef" which means "health". It is believed that kefir first appeared in the Caucasus. For example, people who lived in the Northern Ossetia centuries ago said that it is a perfect remedy against different ailments and helps prolong life. In Russia healing properties of this product were assessed for the first time in Yalta clinics where in the late 18th century doctors used kefir for treatment of people suf ... Read more

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Қазақстан Желіде · 2329 days ago 0 2213
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Қазақстан Желіде
Астана, Kazakhstan
03.10.2018 (2329 days ago)
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