Criticism and bibliography. Reviews
Mongolian text, transliteration of the Mongolian text.
Translated from Mong., comment. and research by A.D. Nasilova, St. Petersburg: Peterburgskoe vostokovedenie, 2002, 160 p. (ORIENTALIA)
The reviewed edition is one of the works that are still rare in modern Mongolian source studies, where philological analysis is combined with historical and social study of the material. It provides new facts about the most interesting period in the history of Mongolia in the XVI-XVII centuries, which had a significant impact on the entire subsequent evolution of Mongolian society, especially socio-economic development. As is known, B. Y. Vladimirtsov referred to the category of the most important monuments that document the evolution of the social system of the Mongols, namely legislative texts that favorably differ from chronicle materials in terms of reliability of information.
A great advantage of this work is the fact that with this publication A. D. Nasilov introduces a unique document for studying the history, language and everyday life of the Mongols of the late XV - early XVII centuries, and relatively soon after its discovery (1970) on the territory of Mongolia. This is the first comprehensive study of this monument in our history. Previously, it was only partially used (see publications by T. D. Skrynnikova, D. Gongor, and S. Natsagdorj).
Given the vastness and significance of the information contained in the monument, A.D. Nasilov's main goal was to present it in a form accessible for further research and interpret it in a way that can serve as a basis for characterizing the estate-class structure of Khalkha society of that period, the administrative structure of Khalkha, and the content of Mongolian medieval law. In this respect, a very qualified full translation of the monument into Russian (ch. III, p. 40-60), based on the publication of the Mongolian historian Kh. is of independent value for the first time in Russian science. P ...
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