The paper highlights the results of comprehensive studies of materials from the Chagyr Cave (Northwestern Altai), which include the richest Middle Paleolithic industries and remains of Neanderthal anthropological representatives. The main properties and conditions of sediment formation in the cave, as well as data from granulometric, chemical, micromorphological, X-ray, paleomagnetic, and radiocarbon analyses of neo-Pleistocene rocks in the karst cavity are considered. It is concluded that the composition of the cave aggregate is similar to loess-like loams of the Upper Pleistocene of Western Siberia. The archaeological materials found in the cave have the only analog in Altai, represented in the Okladnikov Cave industries. Analysis of the technocomplexes of both objects indicates the existence of a special musteroid variant of the regional Middle Paleolithic - Sibiryachikhinsky. Keywords: Chagyr cave, geology, granulometric, chemical, micromorphological, X-ray diffraction, paleomagnetic analysis, loess, small mammals, Middle Paleolithic, stone industries. Introduction The Middle Paleolithic stage of Northern Asia is represented by objects concentrated mainly in the Altai and nearby territories of Southern Siberia. The beginning of the Middle Paleolithic culture in the Altai falls on the second half of the Middle Neo-Pleistocene-282-133 thousand years AGO, most of the sites belong to 100.0-4.8 thousand years ago, the latest complexes date back to 33.5 thousand years ago [Archeologiya..., 1998; Prirodnaya Sreda..., 2003]. The material culture of the Altai Middle Paleolithic is generally characterized by uniformity [Prirodnaya sreda..., 2003]. However, the Okladnikov Cave technocomplexes dated from 44.8-33.5 thousand years AGO have special technological and typological features (Derevyanko and Markin, 1992). Previously, it was believed that the specifics of parking industries are mainly due to natural factors and facies features. The study of materials from the recent ... Читать далее

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Қазақстан Желіде · 51 days ago 0 86
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Қазақстан Желіде
Астана, Kazakhstan
24.12.2024 (51 days ago)
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