The history of the development and use of the Iraqi armed forces during the rule of the Baath Party and Saddam Hussein, including in the Iran-Iraq war, the complex of political, economic, social reasons and prerequisites for the transformation of Iraq into a contender for military and political hegemony in the Persian Gulf region are related to the topic of military construction, the creation of a system of measures for civil and military spheres, aimed at improving the material and technical base of the Armed Forces, increasing the mobilization potential and ideological training of the masses.
Keywords: army, military construction, Middle East, Iraq, Saddam Hussein's regime, Iran-Iraq war.
Mao Zedong's truism "a rifle gives birth to power" has never lost its relevance, especially in the Middle East (BV). It is common knowledge that all Middle Eastern Arab regimes - republican and monarchical-seek to use the armed forces not only to ensure national security, but also as a pillar of power and a political tool. This forms the image of the armed forces and approaches to their creation, functioning and use in the BW countries. The involvement of Arab countries in the geopolitical game, their relations with world powers, the choice of suppliers of weapons and military equipment (IWT), and most importantly, military experience and knowledge - the United States or the USSR - until the early 1990s, gave this topic a special urgency. Young nation-states sought to create their own armies, and the pretenders to hegemony also had to frighten their neighbors with military power in order to make them take account of themselves - this was the "plague" that swept the entire region in the 1960s and 1980s. Depending on the political situation of the country, the BW was either part of the NATO or Soviet technological and military-technical areas.
This fully applies to Iraq under the rule of the Ba'ath Party and Saddam Hussein. Now the country is involved in the zone of the NATO bloc, ...
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