The woman" " New Amina Qasim books to the Russian edition with a preface in Krachkovsky Yu .I. akad. vremya svoje V (1912) noted that " for Muslims , the text published by Selim Cobain in 1905 was of great interest .translation from Russian of the pamphlet "Women's Rights in Islam"by the Caucasian emigrant Akhmed Agayev ... The translation is dedicated to Qasim Amin, which makes it quite clear that the work was inspired by his works" (Krachkovsky, 1956, p . 134) .1 Since then , Russian literary scholars-Arabists, speaking about the translation practice of the Russian language. We have borrowed this information (sometimes with reference to Krachkovsky, and sometimes without it), without going into details concerning both the identity of the author of this booklet and the Arabic translation itself. In this article , I want to correct this omission.
words: Keywords A. Agayev's pamphlet, S. Cobain's translation into Arabic, the position of a Muslim woman.
Palestinian translator Selim Cobain (1870-1951), a native of Nazareth, one of the first graduates of the Nazareth Russian Teachers ' Seminary, an excellent connoisseur of the Russian language, a passionate admirer and popularizer of Russian literature, emigrated to Egypt in 1897 and connected his entire life with the Land of the Pyramids. In Cairo, Cobain founded the magazine "Al-Iha' "("Brotherhood"), a printing house of the same name, translated and published works by luminaries of Russian classics-Leo Tolstoy, A.M. Gorky, N. V. Gogol, A. S. Pushkin, I. S. Turgenev, L. L. Tolstoy (son of Leo Tolstoy) etc. The work of Akhmed Agayev mentioned by I. Y. Krachkovsky was translated by S. Cobain as "Hukuk al-mar'a fi-l-islyam" ("Women's Rights in Islam"), although the author himself gave it the Russian name "A Woman in Islam and in Islam".
The author of the Russian original, Ahmed-bey Agayev (Agaoglu) (1869-1939), a prominent Azerbaijani educator, public figure, journalist, publicist, critic, pan-Islamist and pan-Turkist, w ...
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