Olesia Avramenko, Candidate of Art Criticism, Senior Re-searcher at the Institute of Art Criticism, Folklore and Ethnography of the NAS of Ukraine * * * The multimedia project of Victor Sydorenko at the 50th Venetian Biennial in 2003 as the demonstration of the latest model of Ukrainian art in the outer cultural space The international exhibition of modern art Venetian Biennial has existed for a centennial now; and it is going on to rivet interest of the world art establishment and public as one of the most authoritative. Participation in this forum always was always prestigious; therefore, it should be backed by the state which is represented by the artists. In 2003 the independent Ukraine took part in the biennial for the second time. This time it was the artistic project of Victor Sydorenko "Millstones of Time". The general official theme of the 50th Venetian Biennial was defined by its director and leading curator Fransesco Bonami: "Dreams and Conflicts. The dictate of lookers-on." Well, these two poles-spectator and artist (artistic work)-always displayed opposite interests and sharp contradictions. An artist is a different and unconsciously hostile phenomenon in a society, while at conscious level it is an extraordinarily interesting, perturbing, hypnotic, and repulsive occurrence... From the very beginning art was a mixture of dreams and conflicts. Conflict between an object and its image, motion and static, light and shade, real and whimsical; material and immaterial / unreal, spectator and artist, artist and customer... In general the contemporary artist is a стр. 94 master, imaginative thinker, psychologist and expert in newest techniques; he/she is an extraordinarily sharp and adroit manipulator. He/she can carefully, though sometimes unaware, manipulate both consciousness and subconsciousness of a spectator. We think that the problem of dictate of spectator declared for the Biennial is a far- fetched one, especially in relation to the contem ... Читать далее

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