K. V. MESHCHERINA Institute of Africa, Russian Academy of Sciences PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS OF COMBATING INTERNATIONAL TERRORISM Keywords: Libya, "Islamic State in Libya" (IGL), international security, fight against terrorism Five years have passed since the beginning of the Arab Spring in a number of countries in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). The events in these countries were the result of various socio-political processes, serious transformations in the region, about which dozens or even hundreds of studies have been written to date. One of them is an increase in the activity of new and old terrorist organizations and an increase in the number of hotbeds of instability.1 In this regard, terrorism is today one of the main challenges for the modern international society. This issue is being discussed at international platforms and security forums, such as the [African] "Marrakech Security Forum" 2, in order to develop new methods of combating extremist challenges. The most dangerous phenomenon was the "Islamic State" (IG) (formerly the "Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant" - ISIL), which challenged the modern system of geopolitical and civilizational relations, imposing itself as a "state" with its own ideology and posing a threat to the future world order. In 2014-2015, there was a rapid and very successful advance of the militants of this military-political extremist structure in Iraq and Syria and the seizure of vast territories, the creation of cells in neighboring states, including in the countries of North Africa and the Sahel zone. Although their area of control in Iraq and Syria has been somewhat reduced, the danger of increased activity has not been removed. In addition, the recent high-profile terrorist attacks in France in January, November 2015 and July 2016, and in Belgium, Germany, the United States, and Turkey in 2016 once again proved the need for an early solution to this problem at the international level. This article attempts to examin ... Читать далее

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Қазақстан Желіде
Астана, Казахстан
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