by Vladimir KULAKOV, Dr. Sc. (Hist.), RAS Institute of Archeology (Moscow) The silver ornaments and money discovered in late 19th century in the vicinity of the small resort settlement Crantz (today the town of Zelenogradsk, Kaliningrad Region, Russia) came down to us in the travails of European history. The valuable articles were kept in Berlin museum vaults for more than 40 years, then they appeared in Moscow, and only now our contemporaries have an opportunity to see them. What can these findings relate to us? COMPOSITION OF THE TREASURE During 2003 and 2005 the author of this publication was honored to work in the stocks of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts in Moscow, participating in preparation of the exhibition: "The Merovingian Dynasty–Europe Without Boundaries". During inspection of the Findings, which were kept in the stocks of the Museum of Pre- and Ancient History (Berlin) till 1945 and now kept at the Pushkin Museum, my attention was drawn by a set of articles marked in Indian ink on the reverse sides "Crantz, Kr. Fischhausen", indicating the place of Finding. This place corresponds to the outskirts of the contemporary town of Zelenogradsk, a small стр. 77 Fibula: 1-face and reverse sides; 2-a group of signs on its reverse side. resort town on the Baltic Sea shore in the northern part of the ancient Prussian land Sambia. Only three years after the opening of the said exhibition (in 2008), due to the kind assistance of the Pushkin Museum workers I got an opportunity to publish the findings from this treasure. This treasure (it can be called so quite justly not only because of a high standard of silver used for manufacture of its elements but also due to the elegance of its ornaments) came down to us through upheavals of four long years of World War II, i.e. through bombardments (it was kept in the basement of an anti-aircraft battery Flakturm Zoo in the western part of Berlin from the autumn of ... Читать далее

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Қазақстан Желіде · 1019 days ago 0 1206
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Қазақстан Желіде
Астана, Kazakhstan
03.09.2021 (1019 days ago)
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