The work of a prominent Russian scientist, specialist in the Arab Maghreb, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor M. F. Vidyasova - " The Two-faced Janus of moderate Islamism. The post-revolutionary political struggle in Tunisia and Egypt "(Moscow, ISAA MSU, IAfr RAS, 2013, 140 p.) was written in collaboration with Doctor of Historical Sciences T. I. Hasanbekova, who translated constitutional acts from Arabic into Russian, and is devoted to the current topic-the development of the political situation after the 2011 revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt and the role of the state of affairs of the country. there are Islamist movements in it. M. F. Vidyasova is the author of a number of works on the Maghreb and, in particular, on Tunisia. Among them are such fundamental works as "Jihad without War" (2005), covering the era of President Habib Bourguiba, and " Political Islam in the countries of North Africa "(2008), written jointly with Doctor of Historical Sciences V. V. Orlov. M. F. Vidyasova has repeatedly visited Tunis and personally knows Tunisian scientists political scientists and representatives of the political establishment. The first results of the social protest movements dubbed the "Arab Spring" were the overthrow of the Ben Ali regime in Tunisia and the Mubarak regime in Egypt in 2011. Their main causes are the socio-economic crisis, corruption and nepotism of the regimes that ruled for decades, and the lack of genuine democratic freedoms. The processes caused by the "Arab Spring" are constantly developing. The army's removal of President Morsi, a representative of the Muslim Brotherhood, from power in Egypt in July 2013 was the first defeat of political Islam since the beginning of the Arab Spring. This event, which affected all countries affected by the Arab Spring, contributed, in particular, to the resignation of the Islamist government in Tunisia. M. F. Vidyasova in a concise form was able to retrospectively show the history of the development of the Isl ... Читать далее

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Қазақстан Желіде · 236 days ago 0 286
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Қазақстан Желіде
Астана, Kazakhstan
26.10.2023 (236 days ago)
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