Viktor MURAVYOV, Dr. Sc. (Geol. & Mineral.), and Galina KRASNOPEVTSEVA, geophysicist and engineer, RF State Research Center VNIIGEOSYSTEM Earthquake (seismic) foci and districts of seismic manifestations (above all in the case of anomalous seismicity) - are they really unpredictable as not obeying any definite factor of structural control? The mechanism of seismicity - does it consist in the destruction of lithosphere plate rims at the front of ongoing collisions? And the geodynamics of the process-is it determined by the inhomogeneity of the energy-and-mass transfer field deep in the bowels of the earth? Attempting to answer these and other questions inevitably brings us to a new concept, that of synergetic focal dynamics. Within the framework of plate tectonics the planetary system of anomalous seismicity belts is visualized as a system of tectonic sutures (geosutures) separating the lithosphere plates. It is assumed that seismicity traces the front of plates interaction: collisions of the plates (abduction and related phenomena) or divergence (rifting). Events occurring in the case of collisions are a consequence of a geomedium's mechanical deformations. In the case of rifting, such events are a consequence of spreading, or wedging out of plates in rifting zones by intruding plumages (droplets of hot mantle fluid). In either case we are dealing with zonal processes. That is to say, there can hardly be any geodynamic effect on the in - depth regions of lithosphere plates. However, no systematic and purposive studies have been conducted into the dynamic effect of separate plumes ("hot spots"), let alone their cooperative (synergetic) action, on the ambient environment - and that even relative to a high-energy rifting process. Random estimates of their structure-forming role (Khibinytype plumes) give the scope of such action on the earth shell in a radius of up to 200 to 300 km. Multiring systems of concentric divisibility (dislocation), which are spreading ... Читать далее

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Қазақстан Желіде · 843 days ago 0 1168
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Қазақстан Желіде
Астана, Kazakhstan
15.11.2022 (843 days ago)
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