by Pyotr KOLOSOV, Dr. Sc. (Geol. & Mineral.), Chief Research Assistant of the RAS SB Institute of Geology of Diamond and Precious Metals (Yakutsk), German ARBUGAEV and Maxim LYUBAVIN, participants of the dog team expedition Presence of mammoths, bisons, tarpans, and other mammals of the Pleistocene (2.6-0.011 mln years ago) and skillful gaming practices with the assistance of domesticated wolves (hunting laikas) approximately 30 thous. years ago enabled primitive hunters to survive in the extreme climatic conditions of the polar regions in the north-east of Asia and marked the beginning of development of the Arctic. Through endless Artic regions in a dog sledge. стр. 106 Map of Yakutia. Sites: 1-stopping place of man in the estuary of Yana River; 2 - Berelekhsky mammoth "cemetery" in the basin of Indigirka River; 3-dog skull site in the Yeadonian strata (age 25-30 thous. years) along Rassokha River. The expedition of Yukagir route passed on dog-teams from the settlement to the Cape of Anisiy on Kotelny Island and is marked by dotted lines. Mammoth hunt scene (artist, Ye. Nesterova). THE ARCTIC YEAR IN YAKUTIA As a constituent part of Russia, the north-eastern region of the Arctic is among top priorities of national policy. This severe climatic region accommodates enormous natural wealth; in particular, according to some estimates, in the continental outskirts of the Arctic Ocean, the extracted hydrocarbon resources make up about 110 bln tons of the conventional fuel. In 2013, the RF President Vladimir Putin approved the Strategy for Developing the Russian Arctic and Protecting National Security till 2020. A relevant program complying with the provisions of this document is being developed in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), 13 districts of which are located in the Polar regions. Local residents are engaged mainly in reindeer-breeding, fishing and hunting; they also participate in mining. It is appr ... Read more

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Қазақстан Желіде · 1029 days ago 0 1280
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Қазақстан Желіде
Астана, Kazakhstan
13.12.2021 (1029 days ago)
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