Quantum levitation and superconductivity, as they say in Odessa, two big differences
  Quantum levitation and superconductivity, as they say in Odessa, two big differences   A. Ampere's hypothesis about the nature of magnetism, based on the fact that the atoms of all substances that revolve around the nucleus of the atom, generate microcurrents causing magnetism, are incorrect. Magnetism is determined by gravitons - magnetic dipoles, from which the entire material world is composed. Gravitons, attracted to each other by different poles, form magnetic, electromagnetic and gravitational fields. Gravitons, attracted to each other by different poles, form the bodies of atoms and molecules. According to our hypothesis, electrons rotating around the nucleus of an atom are concentrated in two northern poles, called the negative electric potential. Perpendicular to the ring in which electrons move, the nucleus of the atom generates two south poles, which are called positive electric potentials. This difference in magnetic potentials determines the magnetism of the substance, which determines the possibility of attaching atoms to molecules. By the way, this construction of atoms was confirmed by experience established in 1952 by German physicists O. Stern and V. Gerlach, although they could not explain the result of the experiment. Atoms and molecules can be added to magnetic clusters with weak (diamagnetics, paramagnets) and strong (ferromagnet) magnetization. But, in our opinion, quantum levitation is determined not so much by the magnetism of atoms, molecules and ions of a levitating sample as by the magnetism of gravitons that form the gravitational field of a sample. Apparently, it is this diamagnetic effect that arises when, at an extremely low temperature, the levitating sample displaces the external magnetic field of a permanent magnet by its internal graviton field. Gravitone is a mini-vortex of ether, and, apparently, the extremely low temperature of this vortex raises it to a higher level of energy. Thus, the levitation of diamagnets in the field ... Read more

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Полная версия: http://libmonster.uk/m/articles/view/Quantum-levitation-and-superconductivity-as-they-say-in-Odessa-two-big-differences
Қазақстан Желіде · 2289 дней(я) назад 0 1935
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Қазақстан Желіде
Астана, Казахстан
26.06.2018 (2289 дней(я) назад)
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Quantum levitation and superconductivity, as they say in Odessa, two big differences

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