The experience of strategic partnership with the u. s. a.: comparison and results for Ukraine By Volodymyr CHUMAK Department Head, National Institute for Strategic Studies * * * From the very beginning of the history of the newest independence of Ukrainian state development of relations with the United States America is the priority in our foreign policy. The principal document Primary Directions of External Policy of Ukraine, passed by the Verkhovna Rada on July 2, 1993, reads, that "Ukraine pays special attention to its relations with the United States of America as a country, the policy of which excercises substantial influence on the development of international events." The foreign-policy practice testifies, that Ukrainian diplomacy in the American direction constantly followed this directive. Consequently, during the state visit of Leonid Kuchma, President of Ukraine, to the United States of America in November 1994, the leaders of both states signed the Charter of Ukrainian-American Partnership, Friendship and Cooperation, inaugurating the new way to the full-scale intergovernmental cooperation in political, economic, scientific and technical, humanitarian and other branches. This event can be considered the beginning of the qualitatively new stage in Ukrainian-American relations: already in September 1996, during the working visit of the Secreatary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine to the U. S. A. the parties established the fact of upgrading of the Ukrainian-American relations to the level of strategic partnership. This establishment was confirmed by the announcement about creation of the Ukrainian-American intergovernmental commission headed by President of Ukraine L. Kuchma and US Vice President A. Gore ( "Kuchma-Gore Commission"). Early in June 2000 US President Bill Clinton paid an official visit to Ukraine, which demonstrated strengthening of relations of strategic partnership between Ukraine and the U. S. A.: the presidents ... Читать далее

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