Lingonberry and Kamenka
The toponymy of the Middle Pooch region is closely related to the toponymy of other regions. The areal connections of some Central Oka toponyms, primarily hydronyms of the Early Slavic type, lead to the territories of the primary settlement of the Slavs, which gives researchers reason to believe that it was from there that they came to the Middle Oka. The Early Slavic toponymic layer includes, in particular, names that go back to the *Brus-toponym base. This topography is quite active in the toponymic space of the Middle Pooch region. Numerous and variously formed examples of names are recorded by G. P. Smolitskaya in the "Hydronymy of the Oka basin" (Moscow, 1976): Brusna, Brusena, Brusenka, Brusyanka, Brusovka, Brusenok, Brusenskoe, etc. Most of them are classified as hydronyms. Oikonyms are also known. Structurally, they are usually identical to hydronyms, but most likely they are secondary formations. In some cases, a nest of secondary names is formed around hydronyms. For example, three places with the same name are located next to Brusena. page 95 Microtoponyms: Brusenskaya/aya (2 openings and vershina; Smolitskaya. Edict. op.). On the pages of written documents, the first names of the group under consideration appear only in the XVI century: the Brusenka River is mentioned in one of the Ryazan refusal certificates (Monuments of Russian writing of the XV-XVI centuries: Ryazan Region. / Edited by S. I. Kotkov, Moscow, 1978). As a rule, the forms of toponyms have not changed over the centuries, or they have changed slightly (for example, Brusena-Brusenka; Smolitskaya. Edict. op.). The picture of the location of place-based carriers in the toponymic space of the Pooch region is quite fully presented in the work of Yu. P. Chumakova "Settlement of Slavs in the Middle (Ryazan) Pooch region, according to linguistic and historical data" (Ufa, 1992). According to Y. P. Chumakova, the concentration of names is especially high in the upper part of the Oka Right Bank, in ... Читать далее

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Қазақстан Желіде
Астана, Казахстан
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Lingonberry and Kamenka

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