Valery Stepanov, Political Scientist * * * Organizational structure of the Federal ministry of foreign affairs of Germany The federal ministry of foreign affairs is the chief manager and coordinator of German foreign policy. Its legal status is prescribed by the Constitution of the FRG. Pursuant to par. 1 of the art. 32 federation is responsible for relations with foreign states, and par. 1 of art. 87 determines that administration in the sphere of foreign policy is a part of federal governance and has its own organizational structure. On the basis of these regulations the federal minister of foreign affairs, which is a constitutional public servant and has civil legal official relations with the federation, controls foreign-policy service with its main staff and representative offices abroad. As well as other federal ministers, he is appointed and dismissed by the federal president at the suggestion of federal chancellor. Determination of concrete person is the result of coalition agreements before creation or reorganization of the government. Constitution deprives the minister of his right to стр. 28 hold other positions, occupy himself with other professional activity, be a trustee of profit-making enterprises, and-without prior consent of the Bundestag-supervisory board member. As a matter of principle, he can not bear honorary titles in public organizations; however, the federal government can permit it as an exception. The federal minister abdicates simultaneously with that of federal chancellor; it may be a voluntary action or authorized by the federal chancellor. The Constitution does not stipulate for the Bundestag vote of no-confidence against certain federal ministers. During its 50 years after renewal in March, 1951 the structure of FMFA FRG underwent many changes, but basically it retained the principles of the "reform of Schuller" in 1918. The renewed ministry was built on the foundation of the foreign affairs service reallocated from the depa ... Read more

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Полная версия: https://library.ee/m/articles/view/FEDERATION-IS-RESPONSIBLE-FOR-RELATIONS-WITH-FOREIGN-STATES
Қазақстан Желіде · 1029 days ago 0 1116
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Қазақстан Желіде
Астана, Kazakhstan
13.12.2021 (1029 days ago)
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