Effects of rice whitener type and paddy moisture level
Analysis of variance of the effects of rice whitener type and paddy moisture level on percentage of broken and cracked milled rice. According to obtained results, the whitener type and paddy moisture level had significant effect on the broken grains (p<0.01) and cracked grains (p<0.05). Also, the interaction effect of whitener type and moisture level was significant (p<0.01) on broken milled rice. Researchers have also predicted that the global warming will make rice crops less productive and it could threaten to erase the hard-won productivity gains that have so far kept the rice harvest in step with population growth. Rice processing is a combination of several operations to convert paddy into well milled silky-white rice, which has superior cooking quality attributes. The majority of consumers prefer well milled rice (WMR) with little or no bran remaining on the endosperm. It has also been reported that consumer preferences vary from region to region. For instance, the Japanese like well milled sticky rice, but Americans prefer semi-milled long grain or even brown rice (BR), whereas people in the Indian sub-continent prefer well milled parboiled rice. The rice is removed from the paddy by means of several processes like pre-cleaning, drying, shelling, milling, enriching, whitening, and polishing. The husk layer of the rice is removed by the process called shelling. The process of removing the bran layer is called whitening. The whole white rice is produced in milling industry at different levels. When the husk and bran layer is removed in one process and the white rice is directly produced from the paddy, it is called one step milling process. While some innovations are a step change in rice polisher, measuring the reflective quality of the rice, often referred to as its silkiness, is still a challenge for rice millers. There is no current measuring unit, or equipment, for determining the level of polish achieved, meaning the degree to which the grain re ... Читать далее

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Полная версия: http://libmonster.ru/m/articles/view/Effects-of-rice-whitener-type-and-paddy-moisture-level
Қазақстан Желіде · 2318 days ago 0 1957
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Қазақстан Желіде
Астана, Kazakhstan
22.06.2018 (2318 days ago)
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Effects of rice whitener type and paddy moisture level

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