Chiefs could place stranglehold on another AFC West title
KANSAS CITY, Mo. The Kansas City Chiefs had one of their best weeks of the season without even playing.After traveling to Mexico City to knock off the Los Angeles Chargers, the Chiefs were able to enjoy their long-awaited bye while watching the New York Jets rout the Oakland Raiders. And that gave the Chiefs some much-appreciated wiggle room in the pursuit of a fourth straight AFC West title.Now, they can just about clinch it when the Raiders visit Arrowhead Stadium on Sunday. We dont really care what happened yesterday,Chiefs coach Andy Reid said Monday. It doesnt matter in the National Football League. You have to be ready every week, especially when you have an opportunity to play an AFC West opponent. It really about us getting ready.The Chiefs finished second in the division three straight years before winning the past three seasons. That is already the longest streak in franchise history, and a fourth would match the Raiders and Chargers for the third-longest streak among AFC West teams.The Raiders won five straight from 1972-76 and the Broncos from 2011-15 Chris Jones Jersey.You always know when you play the Raiders it going to be a battle,Reid said. They were coming off a three-game win streak there. They were on a roll. So now you put things on the line here. You get toward this part of the season and things count for both teams.It has been awhile since the Raiders were playing meaningful games this time of year.It nothing new for the Chiefs.What is rather novel, though, is the fact that Kansas City had a chance to rest up last week. The team had been grinding since the start of training camp in July Omari Cobb Jersey, playing a schedule heavy on primetime games, shortened weeks and an added hurdle of playing the Chargers at altitude in Mexico.Along the way, they weathered a litany of injuries that threatened to derail their season.Patrick Mahomes hurt his ankle in the opener against Jacksonville and was still hobbling when he dislocated his kneecap on an i ... Читать далее

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Chiefs could place stranglehold on another AFC West title

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