On November 14, 2001, a regular meeting of the Moscow Intellectual Club "Strategic Matrix" was held on the topic: "The Fourth World War: pro et contra". Club members and guests discussed the situation in the world after the events of September 11 and the beginning of military operations in Afghanistan. Chairman of the club, Director of the Institute of Economic Strategies (INES) A. I. Ageev called on the audience to exchange views on three key issues: the scale of the problem, leading players and technologies, and Russia's response to this extraordinary challenge of the time. Opening the discussion, A. I. Neklessa, Deputy Director of INES, emphasized in a brief framework report "Controlled chaos: moving towards a non-stationary system of world relations" that the world has not changed in essence after September 11, but the public consciousness and attitude have radically changed. The construction of a global, hierarchical system of world relations (intra-global relations) on the planet, so different from the former static and formally egalitarian system of international relations (inter-national relations), has become obvious. In addition, a new quality of the world order has clearly emerged - its dynamic, turbulent nature. The well-known futurist I. V. Bestuzhev-Lada, in his speech "Is the threat of World War 4 real?", assessed the current hierarchy of threats on the planet almost as a threshold for a new type of war. And the president of the Russian Economic Security Agency, former head of the KGB of the USSR, L. V. Shebarshin, noted that to consider the September events in the United States through the prism of a clash of civilizations, he still does not seem too serious. According to F. I. Ladygin, Director General of the Vector Joint Bureau of Information and Strategic Assessments (a former head of Russian military intelligence), the tragic events that shocked America found the country in a state of "strategic confusion". Experts of the Center for Strategic Res ... Читать далее

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