REPORT FROM THE EXHIBITION " CLASSICAL ART OF THE ISLAMIC WORLD OF THE IX-XIX CENTURIES. NINETY-NINE NAMES OF THE MOST HIGH" K. V. MESHCHERINA N. I. PETROV Asia and Africa Today magazine correspondents Key words: Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Marjani Foundation. classical art, islamic world Who as a child did not read the fairy tales of the "Thousand and One Nights" and did not try to imagine the beauty of the Shah's palaces, the many colors of oriental bazaars, the glitter of jewelry on the clothes of dark-skinned girls of the East? As we grew up, we saw a lot of what we read about - in movies or visiting tourist markets in Antalya, Turkey, or Hurghada, Egypt. What to say - there and now you can find many beautiful things made by wonderful modern masters. But mostly they are souvenirs "for the use of foreigners": jugs inlaid with semiprecious stones and framed examples of calligraphic art are not intended for "everyday use" in their "homeland". And where can you see and at least get a glimpse of real art? This could have been done in Moscow. From February 20 to May 26, the Personal Collections Department of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts hosted the exhibition " Classical Art of the Islamic World of the IX-XIX Centuries. Ninety-nine names of the Most High." The main organizers of the conference were the Sh. S. S Foundation for the Support and Development of Scientific and Cultural Programs. Marjani*, Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts. An aura of oriental mystery was laid down in the very title of the exhibition - "Ninety-nine names of the Almighty". Few of its visitors knew in advance what these "names"meant. Meanwhile, everything is very simple: 99 exhibits were selected specifically for the exhibition - all masterpieces of world significance-according to the number of beautiful names of the Almighty listed by Muslims in prayers. If these prayers, according to religious dogmas, brought people closer ... Читать далее

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Полная версия: https://library.tj/m/articles/view/99-EXHIBITS-AND-1000-YEARS-OF-ISLAMIC-CULTURE
Қазақстан Желіде · 141 days ago 0 202
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Қазақстан Желіде
Астана, Kazakhstan
20.01.2024 (141 days ago)
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