Alexey Glushaev, Vera Kliueva
The "New" Mennonites of the Ural and Siberia: Genesis and Transformation of Ethnoconfessional Communities in the 1940S-1960S
Alexey Glushaev - Senior Lecturer, Department of Cultural Studies, Perm State Academy of Arts and Culture (Perm, Russia).
Vera Kliueva - Senior Researcher of the Laboratory of Anthropology, Institute of Problems of the Development of the North, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science; Associate Professor, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow, Russia).
The article explores the genesis and transformation of Soviet ethnoconfessional communities in the 1940s-1960s, using the case of the so called "new" Mennonite communities in the Ural and Siberia. The development of these communities depended on the extreme conditions of a transition they went through, from the traditional rural life to the urban industrial setting. In these communities we see new mechanisms of solidarity, based on inter-communal and inter-religious communication. The preachers who developed patterns of survival contributed to the endurance of Mennonite identity in the Soviet time. Yet, the communities formed in the extreme circumstances of "special settlements" remained unstable and volatile.
Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке гранта РГНФ "Христианские церкви Восточной Европы в период холодной войны: публично-правовое положение и международная активность" N 14 - 01 - 00488.
стр. 295Keywords: Germans, Mennonites, Baptists, religious communities, ethno-religious community, Mennonite Central Committee, religious practices.
ПОСЛЕ нескольких волн депортаций и трудовых мобилизаций, начавшихся с "кулацкой" ссылки 1930-х гг. и продолжавшихся почти до конца 1940-х гг., география расселения немецкого этноса СССР изменилась до неузнаваемости. В отличие от довоенных лет, когда крупные немецкие и меннонитские1 колонии существовали в европейской части РСФСР, на Украине, в Азербайджане ...
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